subhdvirtual.GIF (34068 bytes)Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information

1999 - 2000 Focus: Consumers and Patients—Partners for Health

December 16,1998—Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information, now in its fifth year, is the premier forum for examining the challenges and opportunities posed by the rapid growth of online and computer-based health information for consumers and patients. Past speakers have included Vice President Gore (via video), HHS Secretary Shalala and Surgeon General Satcher.

In 1999, Partnerships meetings and special events will explore how communication technology can support consumers and patients in a partner-based health system and promote healthy communities. Partnerships '99 will collaborate with several leading national organizations to reach a wide array of professional audiences.

Please mark your calendar with the upcoming dates of our events:

"Balancing High Tech with Human Touch in Health Promotion," sponsored by the American Journal of Health Promotion and Wellness Councils of America.  Partnerships '99 is pleased to be supporting the Technology Track at the 1999 Art and Science of
Health Promotion Conference.
March 1-6, 1999, Amelia Island, Florida

"Prevention 99: Scientific, Political and Social Priorities for the 21st Century," co-sponsored with the American College of Preventive Medicine and the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine.
Featuring the Partnerships Technology Games:
Register by 2/5/99
March 18-21, 1999, Washington, DC

Partnerships '99 will collaborate with the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) at its Annual Symposium.
Featuring the Partnerships Technology Games
November 6-10, 1999, Washington, DC

In January 2000, Partnerships will collaborate with Healthy People 2010 at "Healthy People in Healthy Communities: Technology to Connect People for Health."
Washington, DC

Partnerships Technology Games

Attendees at Prevention 99 and the AMIA Annual Symposium can look forward to the unique Partnerships Technology Games. At the Technology Games, private and public sector developers and vendors engage participants in hands-on demonstrations of innovative Web sites and interactive applications. Contestants will compete for prizes in a friendly, informal, and educational format.

For more information about entering and playing the Technology Games, visit the Partnerships '99 web site at or e-mail

For more information about upcoming events, register for the Partnerships '99 listserv:

Send e-mail to LISTSERV@LIST.NIH.GOV with the following text in the message body:

SUBSCRIBE partnerships-99 YOUR NAME
(State YOUR NAME as you would want list users to see it)

Partnerships ’99 is sponsored the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, convenor; Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Health Care Financing Administration, Health Resources and Services Administration, and Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.

The Partnerships Technology Games are sponsored by the Annenberg School for Communication and the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, under Dean Kathleen Hall Jamieson.


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