Ohio Invasive Plants Council

The Ohio Invasive Plants Council is a coalition of agencies, organizations, and individuals throughout Ohio concerned about the introduction, spread, and control of invasive, non-native plants in Ohio's natural habitats. OIPC promotes public awareness of invasive species issues and encourages land management and research to detect invasive species and prevent new invasions into natural ecosystems.  OIPC was formed as a 501(c)(3)not-for-profit organization in 2005 as a result of efforts in the late 1990's to improve awareness of the threats of invasive plants.

  New Announcements:

Mark Your Calenders Now for 2009 Annual Meeting

The 2009 OIPC annual meeting will be on Wednesday, February 11, at Highbanks Metro Park north of Columbus, OH.  The time and agenda will be posted soon.  In addition to a research presentation given and the chance to mix with fellow council members, four new board members will be elected at this meeting.  Check back soon for more information.

2007 Research Conference Proceedings Now Available Online

The conference proceedings are now available as a downloadable PDF either here or under the "Resources" link in the "OIPC Research Conference Proceedings".  You can download the PDF of all papers and poster abstracts that were presented at the meeting.  The 2004 Research Conference Proceedings are also available at the same site.  Our next research conference will take place in 2010.

Want to Take a More Active Role in OIPC?


If you are enthusiastic and want to participate more in the Ohio Invasive Plants Council, there are four board member openings beginning February, 2009 for three year terms.  We are looking to fill the following categories: Academia, Local Government, Interested Public, and the Green Industry.  If you are interested or would like to get more information, please contact a current board member.  Applications will be accepted soon and election will take place at the 2009 annual meeting.


Trail Invaded by Amur Honeysuckle (courtesy of Tom Borgman)


Questions or suggestions about this website?  Contact the webmaster.



  Upcoming Meetings:
The OIPC and the Iron Furnace Cooperative Weed Management Area (IFCWMA) present "Invasive Plants in Southern Ohio: A Land Manager's Workshop" on Friday, Jan. 30 from 10:15-3:30 at the Oak Hill Public Library in Oak Hill, OH. A promotional flyer and agenda are now available.

The 2009 OIPC annual meeting is scheduled for Feb. 11 at Highbanks Metro Park just north of Columbus, OH.


Past Meetings:

An OIPC workshop on invasive plants in southeastern OH was held in Marietta on Sept. 10.  The agenda is still available here with a printable PDF flyer


Board Update



OIPC Mission Statement:
Participating in statewide efforts to address the threats of invasive species to Ohio's ecosystems and economy by providing leadership and promoting stewardship, education, research, and information exchange.