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Trade Lead Information By For Bright Dairy Looking for Equipment for Original Cheese Manufacturing
Basic Information:
Date Published: 03/11/2008 Expiration Date: 03/31/2009
Location: Shanghai, China
Industry : FPP, Food Processing/Packaging Eq.
Industry : FOD, Foods - Processed

Contact Information:
Issuing Organization: Bright Dairy Co. Ltd. Industrial Ingredient Division
Contact Name: Lisa Tang
Voice: (86 21) 6279 7630
Fax: (86 21) 6279 7639

Lead Description:
Private Lead

Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd is one of the major diaries in China. It is listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange, and is invested by diversified investors including the State, foreign and private shareholders. It specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of milk, dairy product, nutritious and healthcare food. Their products include sterilized milk, pasteurized milk, acidophilus milk, UHT pasteurized milk, milk powder, butter cheese and fruit juice beverage. Bright Dairy is looking for the equipment for making original cheese. Below is the procedure in which related equipment is required: Cheddar: - Add in the milk fermentation to form curd -- This process is completed in the curd pot. - Brew curd on the finishing table. - Add the curd to the mold. Weigh and wrap. Mozzarella: - Add in the milk fermentation to form curd -- This process is completed in the curd pot. - Place the curd into pull and extend machine. - Add the curd to the mold. Salt the curd, weigh and wrap. Bright Dairy is looking for related equipment used in above procedure. Any company that can supply these equipment are welcome to contact us directly.

EndUser: Bright Dairy
Language: English, Chinese
Seller: Manufacturers only
US Firm Information: Company name, website, background information, experience in the industry, contact information
Timing: Immediate
Trade Lead ID: 6896

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