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Technology Locator Request Form

General Instructions

We need enough details and specifics about your problem or area of concern so a member laboratory specialist can fully understand your special need. Put yourself in the place of the specialist and explain what is involved—such as the current process, the nature of the problem/need, intended usage, new applications, changing requirements, new demands, etc. What exactly is involved? The more information you provide, the better the results.

The items below correspond to the sections on the Technology Request Form. Please review the description of each section before completing the form.

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Organization:
* Address:
* City:
* State/Province:
* Postal Code:
* Country:
* Phone:
* Fax:
* Email:

* Definition (Technology Request/Problem):

* Desired Results:

* Action to Date:

* What You Expect From the Laboratory:

* Date Needed(YYYY-MM-DD):

NOTE: Submission of request may take up to a minute, so please be patient.