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Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance (SITC)


The mission of PPQ’s Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance (SITC) Program is to detect and prevent the unlawful entry and distribution of prohibited and/or non-compliant products that may harbor exotic plant and animal pests, disease or invasive species.

Help Report Agricultural Smuggling

More- Report Agricultural Smuggling


View the above link for information on how to report agricultural smuggling.

SITC Focus

More- SITC Focus


SITC focuses its anti-smuggling efforts at the Ports of Entry and markets to prevent the establishment of plant and animal pests and diseases, while maintaining the safety of our ecosystems and natural resources. View the above link to learn more about SITC roles in interdicting smuggled agricultural products before and after they reach US markets.

SITC History

More- History about SITC


In the mid 1990s, Asian fruit growers from the Homestead, FL, area complained to the PPQ Deputy Administrator about illegally imported specialty crops from Thailand flooding the New York markets. The agricultural products in New York eliminated the commodities’ shipping costs from Florida and adversely affected many growers in the region. PPQ and APHIS Investigative and Enforcement Services (IES) formed a team that determined the prohibited items from Thailand were being smuggled through the Canadian border in enormous quantities. These prohibited products were being offered for sale in the New York City market areas and were definitely competing with domestic and legal production. View the above link to learn more about the SITC's history.

SITC Newsroom

More- SITC Newsroom


View this link for hot topics related to SITC.



Last Modified: March 19, 2007