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NIST Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory / NIST Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science  
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Carrie Campbell

Bill Boettinger



The Diffusion Data Center is now available online


  • To improve communication between experts in multicomponent diffusion measurement, analysis and simulation.
  • To establish the most efficient method for extracting diffusion data (diffusion coefficients, fluxes, marker location) from multicomponent diffusion couple experiments.
  • To provide a forum to solve common diffusion software execution problems.
  • To agree on a common diffusion mobility database assessment procedure.
  • To establish a general approach to data handling and diffusion modeling in ordered phases.|
  • To develop standard problems and web site for inter-laboratory comparison of diffusion simulation methods and data extraction techniques.|


TMS 2005 Multicomponent Multiphase Diffusion Symposium in Honor of John E. Morral

  • Presentations from Symposium

  • Workshops

    NIST is an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration

    Last updated: June 4, 2007