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2 records match your search on "Health Insurance Portability (HIPAA)" - Showing 1 to 2

What Impact HIPAA?  (Report)
State Regulation and Private Health Insurance Coverage Among Adults

Author(s):  Deborah J. Chollet, Kosali Ilayperuma Simon, and Adele M. Kirk

Organization(s):  Mathematica Policy Research, Michigan State University, and University of California at Los Angeles

This research attempts to improve on past studies of regulatory impacts on coverage in two ways. First, in contrast to past studies of the impact of regulation on coverage, we construct continuous variables to measure the restrictiveness of rate regulation and statutory limits on the length of preexisting condition exclusions in the group and individual health insurance markets, and we consider each market separately. By constructing continuous regulation variables where possible, we are able to overcome some of the statistical difficulties that have constrained other research studies of health insurance regulation. Specifically, we are able to understand the impacts of different types of regulation and also the impact of less or more restrictive regulation in each market. Second, we look at the potential role of competition among insurers in explaining changes in health insurance coverage. In an earlier research paper, we investigated the change in the structure of health insurance markets that followed a change in regulation. That research found some impact of selected types of regulation on the number of insurers and concentration in the group market. In the individual market, regulation appeared to affect industry concentration and commercial insurers' market share. These findings suggest that access regulation may affect insurance prices -— and therefore coverage -— both indirectly (by affecting some aspects of market structure) and directly (as insurers anticipate or experience changes in revenues or medical losses due to regulation). In this work, we extend existing research by investigating the impact of regulation on group and individual health insurance coverage, controlling for the potential effects of market structure.

Published:  October, 2000

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Executive Summary 


Baseline Information for Evaluating the Implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996: Final Report  (Report)

Author(s):  Stephen H. Long, M. Susan Marquis with Ellen R. Harrison, Peter D. Jacobson, Jennifer S. Sloan

Organization(s):  Rand Corporation

This is the final report covering the review of the literature to address issues that have arisen during HIPPA's implementation and summarize the expected effects of HIPAA's provisions; the review of the strengths and weaknesses of extant data that might be used in the HIPAA evaluation; and the development of a plan to evaluate the effects of HIPAA on the accessibility and affordability of insurance in the group and individual insurance markets.

Published:  October, 1998

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


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