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Spelman in Focus
Students Get Inspired at Geek Week
College Hosts DOE Naming Ceremony
SSGA Hosts 'Chicken and Business'
Spelman Hosts Green Conference
Convocation Speech Gets to the 'Core'
Campos-Pon Exhibit on View
Donor Gives Spelman $17 Million

Faculty Spotlight
Donna Akiba Sullivan Harper, Ph.D., an internationally recognized Langston Hughes scholar and chair of the English department, has been named a Fuller E. Callaway Professor. Harper is the author of numerous articles and book reviews. She is Spelman's third Callaway chair.

Math and Politics Talk Focuses
on 2008 Presidential Election

Does your vote really count? The mathematics and political science departments, along with the Spelman College Honors Program, attempted to answer this question during the math and politics talk they co-sponsored on Monday, September 22. Guest speaker Allison Pacelli, Ph.D., of Williams College,discussed "Election 2008 and Beyond: Your Vote Doesn't Matter, But You Can Still Get Your Way." On Tuesday, September 23, Dr. Pacelli will speak again on "The Mathematics of Fairness."

Giwayen Mata Celebrates Dancing
to the Beat of a Different Drummer

Giwayen Mata, the award-winning, all 'sistah,' dance, percussion and vocal ensemble co-founded and directed by Spelman alumna and cultural educator Omelika Kuumba, C'81, will celebrate 15 years of "Drumming, Dancing and Singing While Daring to do Them Differently," at the Rialto Center at Georgia State University on Saturday, September 27, at 7 p.m.




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An outstanding historically Black college for women, Spelman promotes academic excellence in the liberal arts, and develops the intellectual, ethical, and leadership potential of its students. Spelman seeks to empower the total person who appreciates the many cultures of the world and commits to positive social change.