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2002 Transportation Bowl

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy vs. U.S. Coast Guard Academy

Kings Point Wins 2002 Transportation Bowl

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Dating back to 1980, each year the two Federal service academies within the Department of Transportation enjoy a friendly football rivalry. The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy’s Mariners and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s Bears compete in the "Transportation Bowl," vying for the Secretary's Cup, a trophy presented by the sitting Secretary of Transportation. This year's game was held on Saturday, November 16, hosted by the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at their stadium in Kings Point, New York. The Mariners sailed away to victory over the Bears, defeating them 31-6.

Adm. Stewart & Adm. Collins Midshipmen & Cadet Midshipmen Sec. Mineta, Capt. Schubert & family

Rear Admiral Joseph Stewart, USMS, Superintendent of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, began the day’s festivities with a brunch held in the Academy's Officers' Club, Melville Hall. Among the dignitaries present, the list included the Honorable Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary of Transportation; Admiral Thomas H. Collins, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard; Captain William G. Schubert, Maritime Administrator; Mr. Steven R. Blust, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission; and Rear Admiral Robert Olsen, Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

Adm. Stewart in front of Podium Capt. Schubert & Adm. & Mrs. Olsen Capt. Schubert & Sec. & Mrs. Mineta Capt. Schubert & The Blusts Collins, E. Schubert, Olsen, & W. Schubert

During the brunch, Kings Point Midshipman John Rapacki, the Regimental Commander, related to the attendees a story Captain Schubert told the last time he visited the Academy. As a 1974 graduate of the Academy, Captain Schubert was issued, like all incoming midshipmen, an Academy jacket. More commonly known as an A-jacket, Schubert’s was unfortunately lost years after graduation during a fire. The midshipmen, upon hearing this story, rallied together to purchase a brand new A-jacket with his class year sewn on it, which Midshipman Rapacki proudly presented to him.

Capt. Schubert Receiving Award

Following this, Midshipman Patrick Arnold, the Regimental Training Officer at Kings Point, took the floor to express the gratitude of the midshipmen for the leadership presented by Secretary Mineta during the September 11 crisis. As Kings Point midshipmen were actively involved in the assistance efforts on lower Manhattan, the Secretary’s guidance during this time of national tragedy was greatly appreciated. The midshipmen awarded the Secretary the Light of Leadership award.

Sec. Mineta Receiving Award

Midshipman Patrick Arnold presenting Light of Leadership award to Secretary Mineta

The Light of Leadership award recognizes commitment to leadership excellence, exemplary character, selfless service, and outstanding personal achievement. The historical and symbolic mariners' deck prism, utilized hundreds of years ago to diffuse daylight to illuminate below deck spaces, is the centerpiece of the trophy. A certificate of recognition accompanied the trophy.

Following the brunch, the midshipmen and cadets from both academies marched on to Tomb Football Field to present the colors, and to be addressed by Secretary Mineta. Focusing his remarks on the professionalism presented by both academies and their respective industry and branch of service, the speech was well received by the midshipmen, cadets, and those in the stands.


As mentioned earlier, Kings Point posted a 31-6 win. During the game, four new U.S. Merchant Marine Academy records were set. Since the rivalry has existed, Kings Point has won 14 of the 22 meetings with the Coast Guard Academy, and has won the last four consecutive meetings as well. As Secretary Mineta presented the Secretary's Cup to the Mariners, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Midshipmen cheered loudly in the stands. Following the win, Captain Schubert also granted liberty to all Kings Point midshipmen, allowing them to spend the remainder of the weekend as they pleased.

This game also marked the final regular-season home game for the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy’s Head Coach Charlie Pravata, who will step down at the conclusion of this season. Coach Pravata will retire with the best record as a football coach for the Academy.



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