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EPIC X-Motif Point-and Click Interface - HdrEdit

The HdrEdit is X-motif based GUI that enables user to modify EPIC data file header information from a desktop UNIX computer.
The data files, contained in the input pointer file, must be available for HdrEdit program to read all the information. Only modified data files will be save and a new pointer file containing the list of new data files will be generated. As default, the new data files will be saved in the same directory as the old data files locatedi. The name of a new data file is OLDFILE.NAME_cdf for netCDF file or OLDFILE.NAME_epic for classic EPIC data file.
The EPICEdit application is developed using C++ language with the Motif toolkit on Solaris machine. X-Designer, an interactive tool, is used for building prototyped GUIs.
Please refer to EPIC X-Motif Point-and-Click Interface page for more information about other EPIC X-Motif GUI applications. If you are interested in using these applications, please contact EPIC team, we'll help you to setup.
Developers: Willa Zhu