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Ames Laboratory
111 TASF
Ames, IA 50011-3020
(515) 294-9557
Updated October 20, 2006
Office of Technology Transfer
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For Ombuds Information,

Todd Zdorkowski: 515-294-5640
Todd Zdorkowski, Technology Transfer Ombuds:

"To learn more about the Technology Transfer Ombuds program, please feel free to contact us via telephone or e-mail.”
The Ombuds Alternative
Participants in the Ames Laboratory's complex collaborative R&D environment may experience uncertainties or questions they describe as "business concerns" or project-related "ambiguities." The Ames Laboratory Ombuds Program provides the Laboratory’s industrial R&D partners, and those in the broader marketplace with questions about Ames Laboratory R&D, with a neutral and a confidential point of contact for voicing these concerns. The Program provides an alternative to the formal reporting channels established by the Ames Laboratory and the DOE because it addresses R&D and business-related issues in an informal, nonescalating way. The Ames Laboratory Ombuds is available to all Laboratory R&D partners, all U.S. firms with questions about Laboratory R&D and Laboratory employees. The Ombuds can be contacted if an issue concerns Ames Laboratory R&D, R&D collaborations or wider business matters related to the Laboratory’s R&D.

Program Description
The mission of the Ames Laboratory Ombuds Program is to provide a place where the Ames Laboratory’s R&D partners and other U.S. firms with questions about Ames Laboratory R&D may confidentially voice their concerns and seek resolution. The Ombuds process aims to improve the Laboratory’s responsiveness to its partners and other concerned firms by providing them with a dedicated, partner-focused point-of-contact. By providing an alternative point-of-contact, the process complements existing decision-making and problem-solution processes.

The Ombuds will:
  • Serve as an impartial third party for discussion of confidential concerns
  • Analyze concerns from several perspectives and set them in context
  • Focus Laboratory attention both upon specific underlying issues and the broader spectrum of such issues
  • Explore the range of options available for resolving a partner's and a firm's concerns
  • Actively seek resolution

  • To accomplish this mission, the Ombuds will act as an advocate for a fair process and the Ames Laboratory’s institutional values, rather than for any specific party (i.e., the Ombuds will not serve as an advocate for the Laboratory, for an R&D collaborator or for an outside company). While the Ombuds may assist R&D partners and other firms with a problem-solving process, the ultimate "ownership" of the concerns and their resolution resides with the parties involved.

    Who To Contact
    The primary point of contact for Ombuds matters in the USDOE Ames Laboratory is:

    Todd Zdorkowski
    Phone: 515-294-5640
    Office Address: 128 Spedding Hall