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GES-DISC DAAC has developed Interactive Online Visualization and ANalysis Infrastructure tool, Giovanni, that povides users with an easy-to-use, Web-based interface for the visualization and analysis of the Earth Science data.

Giovanni for MLS data
Visualization of MLS Level 2 products.

Giovanni for AIRS data
Visualization and analysis of Aqua AIRS daily global 1.0°x1.0° product.

Giovanni for TOMS data
Visualization and analysis of Earth Probe and Nimbus-7 TOMS Level 3 daily global 1.0°x1.25° products.

Giovanni for OMI data
Visualization and analysis of Aura OMI Level 2G and Level 3 TOMS-like daily global 1.0°x1.25° products.

Giovanni for HALOE data
Visualization of UARS HALOE Level 2 product.

Giovanni for MODIS and GOCART data
Visualization and analysis of Terra and Aqua MODIS Level 3 monthly atmospheric global 1.0°x1.0° products and GOCART Model data.

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  • Last updated: November 29, 2007 16:30:49 GMT