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World History - History of Science: Lesson Plans

Galileo and the Inevitability of Ideas 
Test the arguments on both sides in the case that shook the foundations of faith and science.

Leonardo da Vinci: Creative Genius 
Leonardo da Vinci—one of history’s most imaginative geniuses—was certainly born at the right time and in the right place. In this lesson plan, the students will explore Leonardo da Vinci and the age in which he lived and consider the meaning of the Greek quotation, “Man is the measure of all things” and why it particularly applies to the Renaissance and to Leonardo.

Thomas Edison’s Inventions in the 1900s and Today: From “New” to You! 
This lesson plan introduces students to Thomas Edison’s life and inventions. It asks students to compare and contrast life around 1900 with their own lives and helps students understand the connections between the technological advancements of the early twentieth century and contemporary society and culture.