Interagency Questions & Answers

The agencies have provided answers to questions pertaining to the provisions and topics of the CRA regulations. The Q&A document was revised and published in the Federal Register on July 12, 2001. The information published is available in the PDF and Word files below.

Available Formats:
* PDF File
* MS Word


Final Interagency Questions and Answers

The following final questions and answers were released by the staffs of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to address topics related to the revisions that the three agencies made to their regulations that implement the CRA in July 2005.

Available Formats:
* PDF File

Interagency Letters

The agencies have provided written responses to inquiries from other federal authorities pertaining to select CRA topics. While it is the agencies' intention to incorporate the guidance contained in these letters into the Q & A document when it is next updated, these letters are available to provide informal guidance for agency personnel, financial institutions, and the public.

Interagency letter regarding consideration of qualified investments in minority-owned institutions.

Interagency letter regarding consideration of New Markets Tax Credit Program investments and community development loans in a financial institution's CRA evaluation.

Interagency letter regarding consideration of international remittances services in a financial institution's CRA evaluation.