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Technical Revisions

A September 10, 2003, Federal Register notice solicited comments on proposed revisions to the food intake patterns that form the basis for the Food Guide Pyramid. This notice referenced additional explanatory information, including Tables 1-5 (below) showing the proposed new patterns and accompanying technical data.

In response to this Federal Register notice, CNPP received more than 250 comments from the general public, nutrition professionals, academics, industry, trade associations, government groups, etc. To view the comments, click here.

Table 1: Proposed Daily Food Intake Patterns

This document lists the daily amounts of food from each Pyramid food group and subgroup in proposed food patterns at multiple energy levels.

Table 2: Energy Levels for Proposed Food Intake Patterns

This document lists the target and suggested energy levels for the food intake patterns for various age/gender groups, based on Estimated Energy Requirements set by the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine.

Table 3: Nutritional Goals for Proposed Daily Food Intake Patterns

This document lists the nutritional goals for each proposed food intake pattern. These goals include targets for vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients as well as acceptable intake ranges for macronutrients for various age/gender groups.

Table 4: Nutrient Profiles of Food Guide Pyramid Food Groups and Subgroups

These profiles identify the nutritional composition of each group or subgroup, using a weighted average of the nutrients supplied by the foods in that group, with weights based on nationwide consumption of each food item. Nutrient profiles are also included for additional solid fats, oils and soft margarines, and for added sugars.

Table 5: Nutrients in Proposed Food Intake Patterns

This table identifies the overall nutrient composition for each proposed food pattern and how this nutrient composition compares to the nutritional goals set for that pattern.

To view the proposed graphic and education materials, which followed the technical revisions to the Food Guide Pyramid, click here.


Last Modified: 03/28/2007

