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AMSR-E Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents

July 2007 AMSR Ocean ATBD Supplement

July 2007 AMSR L2 Rainfall ATBD

July 2007 L3 Rainfall ATBD

July 2007 Sea Ice ATBD

AMSR Level 2A Algorithm
AMSR Ocean Algorithm
AMSR Sea Ice Algorithm
AMSR Land Surface Parameters
AMSR Snow Water Equivalent Algorithm
AMSR Rainfall Algorithm

AMSR-E Validation

AMSR Rainfall Validation Implementation Strategy 2001-2005
AMSR-E Validation Plan
AMSR-E Science Data Validation Plan
AMSR-E Validation Plan Summary Charts

Refereed papers and proceedings related to AMSR and AMSR-E


Jin, K-W., S-W. Hong, R. Weitz, and T. Wilheit, Improved Physically-Based Oceanic Rainfall Algorithm from AMSR-E data, submitted to Trans IEEE, Geosci & Rem. Sens. 2007


Aires, F; C. Prigent, Toward a new generation of satellite surface products?, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 11-Nov., 2006.

Andreadis, K.M., D.P. Lettenmaier, Assimilating remotely sensed snow observations into a macroscale hydrology model, ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES, June 2006, 872-886

Belmonte Rivas, M., J. A. Maslanik, J. G. Sonntag and P. Axelrad, Sea Ice Roughness From Airborne LIDAR Profiles, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3032-3037, 2006.

Bindlish, R., T. J. Jackson, A. J. Gasiewski, M. Klein, and E. G. Njoku, Soil moisture mapping and AMSR-E validation using the PSR in SMEX02, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 103, pp. 127–139, 2006.

Bosch, D. D., V. Lakshmi, T. J. Jackson, M. Choid, and J. M. Jacobs, Large scale measurements of soil moisture for validation of remotely sensed data: Georgia soil moisture experiment of 2003, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 323, pp. 120–137, 2006.

Cavalieri, D. J., T. Markus, D. K. Hall, A. J. Gasiewski, M. Klein and A. Ivanoff, Assessment of EOS Aqua AMSR-E Arctic Sea Ice Concentrations Using Landsat-7 and Airborne Microwave Imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3057-3069, 2006.

Cavalieri, D. J., T. Markus, J.A. Maslanik, M. Sturm and E. Lobl, March 2003 EOS Aqua AMSR-E Arctic Sea Ice Field Campaign, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3003-3008, 2006.

Comiso, J. C., Arctic warming signals from satellite observations, Weather, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 70-76, 2006.

Cosh, M. H., T. J. Jackson, P. J. Starks, and G. Heathman, Temporal stability of surface soil moisture in the Little Washita River Watershed and its applications in satellite soil moisture product validation, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 323, pp. 168–177, 2006.
de Souza, R.B., M.M. Mata, C.A.E. Garcia, M. Kampel, E.N. Oliveira, and J.A. Lorenzzetti. 2006. Multi-sensor satellite and in situ measurements of a warm core ocean eddy south of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence region. Remote Sensing of Environment 100(1): 52-66.
Deeter, MN; J. Vivekanandan, New dual-frequency microwave technique for retrieving liquid water path over land, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 8 Aug., 2006

Dong, S.F., S.T. Gille, J. Sprintall, and C. Gentemann, 2006: Validation of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) sea surface temperature in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans 111(C4), C04002.

Dong, SF; Sprintall, J; Gille, ST, Location of the antarctic polar front from AMSR-E satellite sea surface temperature measurements, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, Nov 2006, 2075-2089.

Durand, M., S.A. Margulis, Feasibility test of multifrequency radiometric data assimilation to estimate snow water equivalent, JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, June 2006, 443-457.

Emery, WJ., P. Brandt, A. Funk, C. Boning, A comparison of sea surface temperatures from microwave remote sensing of the Labrador Sea with in situ measurements and model simulations, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 15 Dec. 2006

Ebuchi, N., Evaluation of marine surface winds observed by SeaWinds and AMSR on ADEOS-II, J. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 293-301, 2006.

Fetzer, E.J., B. H. Lambrigtsen, A. Eldering, H.H. Aumann, and M.T. Chahine, 2006: Biases in total precipitable water vapor climatologies from Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 111(D9), D09816.
Graf, T., T. Koike, and H. Fujii, "Towards the development of a land data assimilation system for snow," 水工学論文集, 50巻, pp. 1-6, 2006.

Hosoda, K., H. Murakami, A. Shibata, F. Sakaida, H. Kawamura, Difference characteristics of sea surface temperature observed by GLI and AMSR aboard ADEOS-II, JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, June 2006, 339-350

Heinrichs, J. F., D. J. Cavalieri and T. Markus, Assessment of the AMSR-E Sea Ice Concentration Product at the Ice Edge Using RADARSAT-1 and MODIS Imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3070-3080, 2006.

Herzfeld, U. C., J.A. Maslanik and M. Sturm, Geostatistical Characterization of Snow-Depth Structures on Sea Ice Near Barrow, Alaska – A Contribution to the AMSR-Ice03 Field Validation Campaign, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3038-3056, 2006.

Hilburn, K. A., F. J. Wentz, D. K. Smith, and P. D. Ashcroft, Correcting active scatterometer data for the effects of rain using passive microwave data, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, vol. 45, pp. 382-398, 2006.

Huang, JP., P. Minnis, B. Lin, Y.H. Yi, T.F. Fan, S. Sun-Mack, J.K. Ayers, Determination of ice water path in ice-over-water cloud systems using combined MODIS and AMSR-E measurements, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 1 Nov 2006

Hwang, B.J., D.G. Barber, Pixel-scale evaluation of SSM/I sea-ice algorithms in the marginal ice zone during early fall freeze-up, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 15 June 2006, 1909-1927.

Kidd, C., Radio frequency interference at passive microwave earth observation frequencies, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 20 Sep., 2006, 3853-3865

Konda, M., A. Shibata, N. Ebuchi, and K. Arai, A correction of the effect of relative wind direction on the wind speed derived by Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer, J. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 395-404, 2006.

Konda, M., A. Shibata, N. Ebuchi, and K. Arai, An evaluation of the effect of the relative wind direction on the measurement of the wind and the instantaneous latent heat flux by Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer, J. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 395-404, 2006.

Li, L. P.W. Gaiser, M.H. Bettenhausen, W. Johnston, WindSat radio-frequency interference signature and its identification over land and ocean, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Mar 2006, 530-539

Limaye, A.S., W.L. Crosson, and C.A. Laymon, 2006: Estimating accuracy in optimal deconvolution of synthetic AMSR-E observations. Remote Sensing Environment, 100(1), 133 -142.

Lu, H., T. Koike, N. Hirose, M. Morita, H. Fujii, D. N. Kuria, T.Graf, and H. Tsutsui, A basic study on soil moisture algorithm using ground-based observations under dry condition, 水工学論文集, 50巻, pp. 7-12, 2006.

Maloney, E.D., D.B. Chelton, An assessment of the sea surface temperature influence on surface wind stress in numerical weather prediction and climate models, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 15 Jun 2006, 2743-2762

Markus, T., D. J. Cavalieri, A. J. Gasiewski, M. Klein, J.A. Maslanik, D. C. Powell, B. B. Stankov, J. C. Stroeve and M. Sturm, Microwave Signatures of Snow on Sea Ice: Observations, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3081-3090, 2006.

Markus, T., D.C. Powell, and J.R. Wang, 2006: Sensitivity of passive microwave snow depth retrievals to weather effects and snow evolution. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(1), 68-77.
Maslanik, J. A., M.Sturm, M. Belmonte Rivas, A. J. Gasiewski, J. F. Heinrichs, U. C. Herzfeld, J. Holmgren, M. Klein, T. Markus, D. K. Perovich, J. G. Sonntag, J. C. Stroeve and K. Tape, Spatial variability of Barrow-area Shore-fast Sea Ice and Its Relationship to Passive Microwave Emissivity, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3021-3031, 2006.

Meier, W.N. and M. Dai. High-resolution sea ice motions from AMSR-E imagery. Annals of Glaciology 44, in press, 2006.
Njoku, E.G. and S.K. Chan, 2006: Vegetation and surface roughness effects on AMSR-E land observations. Remote Sensing Environment, 100(2), 190-199.

O'Carroll, A.G., R.W. Saunders, J.G. Watts, The measurement of the sea surface temperature by satellites from 1991 to 2005, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, Nov 2006, 1573-1582.

Paloscia, S., G. Macelloni and E. Santi, Soil Moisture Estimates From AMSR-E Brightness Temperatures by Using a Dual-Frequency Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3135-3144, 2006.

Parmiggiani, F., Fluctuations of Terra Nova Bay polynya as observed by active (ASAR) and passive (AMSR-E) microwave radiometers, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 20 Jun 2006, 2459-2467.

Powell, D.C., T. Markus, D. J. Cavalieri, A. J. Gasiewski, M. Klein, J. A. Maslanik, J. C. Stroeve and M. Sturm, Microwave Signatures of Snow on Sea Ice: Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3091-3102, 2006.

Pulliainen, J. 2006. Mapping of snow water equivalent and snow depth in boreal and sub-arctic zones by assimilating space-borne microwave radiometer data and ground-based observations. Remote Sensing Environment 101(2): 257-269.

Pulvirenti, L. and N. Pierdicca. 2006. Retrieval of atmospheric and surface parameters from satellite microwave radiometers over the Mediterranean Sea. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 44(1): 90-101.

Ramage, J.M., R.A. McKenney, B. Thorson, P. Maltais, and S.E. Kopczynski. 2006. Relationship between passive microwave-derived snowmelt and surface-measured discharge, Wheaton River, Yukon Territory, Canada. Hydrological Processes 20(4): 689-704.

Shi, J., L. Jiang, L. Zhang, K. S. Chen, J-P. Wigneron, A. Chanzy and T. J. Jackson, Physically Based Estimation of Bare-Surface Soil Moisture With the Passive Radiometers, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3145-3153, 2006.

Shibata, A., A Wind Speed Retrieval Algorithm by Combining 6 and 10GHz Data from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer -Wind Speed Inside Hurricanes-, J. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 351-359, 2006.

Shibata, A., Features of ocean microwave emission changed by wind at 6GHz, J. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 321-330, 2006.

Schodlok, M.P. H.H. Hellmer, G. Rohardt, E. Fahrbach, Weddell Sea iceberg drift: Five years of observations, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 14 Jun 2006

Stroeve, J. C., T. Markus, J. A. Maslanik, D. J. Cavalieri, A. J. Gasiewski, J. F. Heinrichs, J. Holmgren, D. K. Perovich and M. Sturm, Impact of Surface Roughness on AMSR-E Sea Ice Products, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3103-3117, 2006.

Sturm, M., J. A. Maslanik, D.K. Perovich,, J. C. Stroeve, J. Richter-Menge, T. Markus, J. Holmgren, J.F. Heinrichs and K. Tape, Snow Depth and Sea Ice Thickness Measurements From the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas Collected During the AMSR-Ice03 Campaign, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3009-3020, 2006.

Tedesco, M., E.J. Kim, Retrieval of dry-snow parameters from microwave radiometric data using a dense-medium model and genetic algorithms, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Aug 2006, 2143-2151

Tedesco, M., E. J. Kim, D. Cline, T. Graf, T. Koike, R. Armstrong, M. J. Brodzik, J. Hardy, Comparison of local scale measured and modelled brightness temperatures and snow parameters from the CLPX 2003 by means of a dense medium radiative transfer theory model, Hydrological Processes, vol. 20, issue 4, 15, pp. 657-672, 2006.

Walter, B., D. J. Cavalieri, K.L. Thornhill and A. J. Gasiewski, Aircraft Measurements of Heat Fluxes Over Wind-Driven Coastal Polynyas in the Bering Sea, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(11), 3118-3134, 2006.

Wen, J., T.J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, Z.B. Su, Evaluation of the Oceansat-1 Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer and its potential for soil moisture retrieval, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 20 Sep. 2006, 3781-3796

Wilheit, T.T., P.V. Hobbs, K. Jin, A.L. Rangno, M.E. Triesky, J.R. Wang, Microwave radiative transfer in the mixed-phase regions of tropical rainfall, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, Nov 2006, 1519-1529

Yan, X., K. Muramatsu, M. Hirata, K. Oishi, I. Kaihotsu, T. Takamura, S. Furumi, N. Fujiwara, Approximation method for time-integral of photosynthesis for NPP estimation using remote sensing data : Case study in Mongolia, Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, vol. 25-2, pp. 179-190, 2005.

筒井浩行, 小池俊雄, T. Graf, 兒玉裕二, 青木輝夫, "地上マイクロ波放射計を用いた地上積雪観測に基づく積雪量推定衛星アルゴリズム検証," 水工学論文集, 50巻, pp. 433-438, 2006.


Boussetta, S., T. Koike, M. Pathmathevan, and K. Yang, A basic study on the development of a satellite data assimilation of a land-atmosphere coupled system," 水工学論文集, 49巻, pp. 283-288, 2005.

Cosh, M. H., T. J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, J. Famiglietti, and D. Ryu, A comparison of an impedance probe for estimation of surface soil water content over large region, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 311, pp. 49-58, 2005.

Crow, WT, R.D. Koster, R.H. Reichle, H.O. Sharif, Relevance of time-varying and time-invariant retrieval error sources on the utility of spaceborne soil moisture products, Relevance of time-varying and time-invariant retrieval error sources on the utility of spaceborne soil moisture products, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 31 Dec. 2005

Dong, S., S. T. Gille, J. Sprintall, and C. Gentemann, Validation of the AMSR-E Sea Surface Temperature in the Southern Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 111, C04002, doi:10.1029/2005JC002934, 2005

Ferraro, RR; F.Z. Weng, N.C. Grody, L.M. Zhao, H. Meng, C. Kongoli, P. Pellegrino, S.Qiu, C. Dean, NOAA operational hydrological products derived from the advanced microwave sounding unit, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, May 2005, 1036-1049

Gentemann, C. L., M. DeMaria, F. J. Wentz, 2005: Sea-surface temperatures from NASA’s Aqua satellite improve hurricane intensity prediction, submitted BAMS???

Graf, T., T. Koike, H. Fujii, R. Armstrong, M. J. Brodzik, M. Tedesco,  and E. J. Kim, Integrated Snow Observation during the Cold Land Processes Field Experiment and its Application for the Development of Radiative Transfer Model for Snow, 水工学論文集, 49巻, pp.325-330, 2005.

Hirata, M., and I. Kaihotsu, Seasonal movement system of pastralcamp in Dund-Govi Province of Mongolia, Journal of Arid Land Studies, vol. 15-3, pp. 139-149, 2005 (in Japanese with English abstract).

Hosoda, K., and H. Kawamura, Seasonal variation of space/time statistics of short-term sea surface temperature variability in the Kuroshio region, J. Oceanogr., vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 709-720, 2005.

Isoguchi, O., H. Kawamura, and K. Ku-Yaacob, El Nino-related offshore phytoplankton bloom events around the Spratley Islands in the South China Sea, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 32, no. 21: Art. No. L21603, 2005.

Jackson, T. J., R. Bindlish, A. J. Gasiewski, B. Stankov, M. Klein, E. G. Njoku, D. Bosch, T. L. Coleman, C. Laymon, and P. Starks, Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer C and X band microwave observations during SMEX03, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 43, pp. 2418-2430, 2005.

Kondoh, A., I. Kaihotsu, M. Hirata, and D. Azzaya, Interannual variation of phenology and biomass in Mongolia hervacious vegetation, Journal of Arid Land Studies, vol. 14-4, pp. 221-228, 2005 (in Japanese with English abstract).

Lacava, T. V. Cuomo, E.V. Di Leo, N. Pergola, F. Romano, V. Tramutoli, Improving soil wetness variations monitoring from passive microwave satellite data: The case of April 2000 Hungary flood, REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 30 May 2005, 135-148

Makynen, M. and M. Hallikainen, Passive microwave signature observations of the Baltic Sea ice. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26(10): 2081-2106, 2005.

Martin, S., R. Drucker, R. Kwok, and B. Holt, 2005: Improvements in the estimates of ice thickness and production in the Chukchi Sea polynyas derived from AMSR-E, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(5), L05505, doi:10.1029/2004GL022013.

McCabe, M. F., E. F. Wood, and H. Gao, 2005: Initial soil moisture retrievals from AMSR-E: Large scale comparisons with SMEX02 field observations and rainfall patterns over Iowa. Geophysical Research Letters 32(6), L06403, doi:10.1029/2004GL021222

McCabe, M. F., H. Gao, and E. F. Wood, 2005: An evaluation of AMSR-E derived soil moisture retrievals using ground based and airborne data during SMEX 02. J. Hydrometeorology, 6(6), 864-877.

McCollum, J.R. and R.R. Ferraro, 2005: Microwave Rainfall Estimation along coasts. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol., 22(5), 497-512.

Mirza, C. R., T. Koike, K. Yang, T. Graf, Development of 1-D Cloud Microphysics Data Dssimilation System (CMDAS) by using AMSR-E Data, 水工学論文集, 49巻, pp. 289-294, 2005.

Njoku, E., P. Ashcroft, T. K. Chan and L. Li, 2005:  Statistics and global survey of radio-frequency interference in AMSR-E land observations, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 43(5), 938-947.

O'Neill, L. W., D. B. Chelton, S. K. Esbensen, and F. J. Wentz, 2005: High-resolution satellite measurements of the atmospheric boundary layer response to SST perturbations over the Agulhas Return Current, J. Climate, 18(14), 2706-2723.

Pathmathevan, M., T. Koike, X. Li, and H. Fujii, A GBMR Experiment and Validation of 1DVAR-LDAS in Different Bare Soil, 水文・水資源学会誌,第18巻3号,pp. 233-243, 2005.

Pietroniro, A., R. Leconte, A review of Canadian remote sensing and hydrology, 1999-2003, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, Jan 2005, 285-301

Reynolds, R. W., H. Zhang, T. M. Smith, C. L. Gentemann, F. J. Wentz, 2005: Impacts of in situ and additional satellite data on the accuracy of a sea surface temperature analysis for climate, Int. J. of Climate, in press.

Shi, J.C., L.M. Jiang, L.X. Zhang, K.S. Chen, J.P. Wigneron, and A. Chanzy. 2005. A parameterized multifrequency-polarization surface emission model. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43(12): 2831-2841

Tedesco, M., E.J. Kim, A. Gasiewski, M. Klein, and B. Stankov, 2005: Analysis of multiscale radiometric data collected during the Cold Land Processes Experiment-1 (CLPX-1). Geophysical Research Letters 32(18), L18501.

Tedesco, M., J.R. Wang, Atmospheric correction of AMSR-E brightness temperatures for dry snow cover mapping, IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, Jul 2006, 320-324

Turk, F.J., S.D. Miller, 2005: Toward improved characterization of remotely sensed precipitation regimes with MODIS/AMSR-E blended data techniques.  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(5), 1059-1069.

Wen, J., T.J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, A.Y. Hsu, Z.B. Su, Retrieval of soil moisture and vegetation water content using SSM/I data over a corn and soybean region, JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, Dec 2005, 854-863

筒井浩行, 小池俊雄, 玉川勝徳, 藤井秀幸, T. Graf, "マイクロ波放射伝達理論に基づく積雪量・積雪粒径推定衛星アルゴリズム開発の基礎研究," 水工学論文集, 49巻, pp. 319-324, 2005.


Bolton, J., U. Narayan, L. Guijarro and V. Lakshmi, "Passive-Active microwave Remote sensing of soil moisture at both L and C bands: a comparison of two field experiments," Rivista Italiana di TELERILEVAMENTO, 30/31, pp. 65-86, 2004.

Comiso, J. C., Sea ice algorithm for AMSR-E, Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento (Italian Journal of Remote Sensing), vol. 30/31, pp. 119-130, 2004.

Cosh, M. H., T. J. Jackson, R. Bindlish, and J. H. Prueger, Watershed scale temporal persistence of soil moisture and its role in validation satellite estimates, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 92, pp. 427-435, 2004.

Ferraro, R.R., F. Weng, N. Grody, L. Zhao, H. Meng, C. Kongoli, P. Pellegrino, S. Qiu and C. Dean, 2004: NOAA operational hydrological products derived from the AMSU.  IEEE Trans. Geo. Rem. Sens., 43, 1036 – 1049.

Gloersen, P., N. Huang, Interannual waves in the sea surface temperatures of the Pacific Ocean, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, Apr 2004, 1325-1330

Graf, T., T. Koike, and K. Nishimura, Correcting Solid Precipitation Data from Gauge Observations Using Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Data, 水工学論文集,48巻,第2号,pp. 259-264., 2004.

Hall, DK., J.R. Key, K.A. Casey, G.A. Riggs, D.J. Cavalieri, Sea ice surface temperature product from MODIS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, May 2004, 1076-1087

Hosoda, K., and H. Kawamura, Global space-time statistics of sea surface temperature estimated from AMSR-E data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L17202, 2004.

Hossain, F. and E.N. Anagnostou. 2004. Assessment of current passive-microwave- and infrared-based satellite rainfall remote sensing for flood prediction. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 109(D7): D07102.

Jackson, T. J., R. Hurkmans, A. Hsu, and M. H. Cosh, Soil moisture algorithm validation using data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) in Mongolia, Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, 30/31, pp. 39-52, 2004.

Jones, A.S., T. Vukicevic, T.H. Vonder Haar, A microwave satellite observational operator for variational data assimilation of soil moisture, JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, Feb. 2004, 213-229

Kelly, R. E. J., A. T. C. Chang and T. Koike, Comparison of AMSR-E derived snow depth and GAME-Siberia ground based measurements, Rivista Italiana di TELERILEVAMENTO, 30/31, pp. 87-100, 2004.

Konda, M., and A. Shibata, An experimental approach to correct the microwave radiometer wind speed affected by the change of the brightness temperature due to the relative wind direction, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31 (9), L0930210.1029/2004GL019487, 2004.

Li., L., E. Njoku, E. Im, P. Chang, and K. St. Germain, 2004: A preliminary survey of radio-frequency interference over the U. S. in Aqua AMSR-E data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 42(2), 380-390.

Liu, G., Approximation of single scattering properties of ice and snow particles for high microwave frequencies, J. Atmos. Sci., vol. 61,  pp. 2441-2456, 2004.

Mitnik, L. M., M. L. Mitnik, and V. A. Dubina, Marine weather systems: Study with ADEOS-II AMSR, Aqua AMSR-E and Envisat ASAR, Gayana, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 389-395, 2004.

Mitnik, M. L., and L. M. Mitnik, Atmospheric parameters over the marginal ice zone: Retrieval from AMSR/AMSR-E data, Gayana, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 396-401, 2004.

Miyazaki, S., T. Yasunari, T. Miyamoto, I. Kaihotsu, et al., Agrometeorological conditions of grassland vegetation in Central Mongolia and their impact for leaf area growth, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D22106, doi:10.1029/2004JD005179, 2004.

Noh, Y.-J., and G. Liu, Satellite and aircraft observations of snowfall signature at microwave frequencies, Rivista Italiana di TELERILEVAMENTO, 30/31, pp. 101-118, 2004.

Noh, Y.-J., G. Liu, N. Balas, K. Aonashi, and T. Koike, Diurnal variations of snow precipitation in Wakasa Bay during winter, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, vol. 82, pp. 1117-1128, 2004.

Paloscia, S., G. Macelloni and E. Santi, Semi-empirical algotihm for estimating soil moisutre from dual-frequency microwave AMSR-E data, Rivista Italiana di TELERILEVAMENTO, 30/31, pp. 53-64, 2004.

Pampaloni, P., Microwave radiometry of forests, WAVES IN RANDOM MEDIA, Apr 2004, S275-S298

Reynolds, R.W., C.L. Gentemann, and F.J. Wentz, Impact of TRMM SSTs on a Climate-scale SST Analysis, J. Climate, 17(8), 2938-2952, 2004.

Shibata, A., AMSR/AMSR-E SST algorithm developments: removal of ocean wind effect, Italian J. Remote Sensing, 30/31, pp. 131-142, 2004.

Takeichi, Y., T. Tauchi, S. Saito, K. Imaoka, M. Kachi and A. Shibata, A toltal column precipitable water algorithm for ADEOS-II/AMSR and Aqua/AMSR-E, Rivista Italiana di TELERIEVAMENTO, 30/31, pp. 143-157, 2004.

Van de Griend, A.A. and J.P. Wigneron. 2004. The b-factor as a function of frequency and canopy type at h-polarization. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 42(4): 786-794.

Varma, A. K., G. Liu, and Y.-J. Noh, Sub-pixel scale variability of rainfall and its application to mitigate the beam-filling problem, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D18210, doi:10.1029/2004JD004968, 2004.

Worby, A. P., and J. C. Comiso, Studies of the Antarctic sea ice edge and ice extent from satellite and ship observation, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 92, pp. 98-111, 2004.

小池俊雄, 中村佳照, 開發一郎, G. Davaa, 松浦直人, 玉川勝徳, 藤井秀幸, "改良型高性能マイクロ波放射計(AMSR-E)による土壌水分・植生水分観測手法の開発," 水工学論文集,48巻,第2号, 2004.

筒井浩行, 小池俊雄, 玉川勝徳, 藤井秀幸, "積雪粒径の効果を考慮した積雪量推定衛星アルゴリズム開発の基礎研究," 水工学論文集,48巻,第2号, 2004.


Aonashi, K., N. Yamanzaki, H. Kamahori, K. Takahasni, F. Liu and K. Yoshida, Variational Assimilation of TMI Rain Type and Precipitation Retrievals into Global Numerical Weather Prediction, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, vol. 82, no. 2, 2003.

Chauhan, N.S., S. Miller, P. Ardanuy, Spaceborne soil moisture estimation at high resolution: a microwave-optical/IR synergistic approach, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, Nov 2003, 4599-4622

Comiso, J.C., D.J. Cavalieri, and T. Markus, 2003:  Sea ice concentration, ice temperature, and snow depth using AMSR-E data, IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(2), 243-252.

De Jeu, R.A.M., M. Owe, Further validation of a new methodology for surface moisture and vegetation optical depth retrieval, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, Nov 2003, 4559-4578
de Rosnay, P. 2003. A GCM experiment on time sampling for remote sensing of near-surface soil moisture. Journal of Hydrometeorology,  4(2): 448-459.
Kawanishi, T., T. Sezai, Y. Ito, K. Imaoka, T. Takeshima, Y. Ishido, A.Shibata, M. Miura, H. Inahata, and R.W. Spencer, 2003: The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E), NASDA's contribution to the EOS for global energy and water cycle studies. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(2), 184-194.

Kelly, R. E. J., and A. T. C. Chang, 2003: Development of a passive microwave global snow depth retrieval algorithm for Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSR-E) data, Radio Sci., 38(4), 8076, doi:10.1029/2002RS002648.

Kelly, R.E.J., A.T.C Chang, L. Tsang, and J.L. Foster, 2003: Development of a prototype AMSR-E global snow area and snow volume algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41(2), 230-242.

Kondoh, A., and I. Kaihotsu, Preliminary Analysis on the Relationship between Vegetation Acidity and Climatic Variation in Mongolia, Journal of Arid Land Studies, vol. 13-2, pp. 147-151, 2003 (in Japanese with English abstract).

Liu, G., Determination of cloud and precipitation characteristics in the Monsoon region using satellite microwave and infrared observations, Mausam (formerly Indian Journal of Meteorology and Geophysics), vol. 54, pp. 51-66, 2003.

Macelloni, G., S. Paloscia, P. Pampaloni, and E. Santi, Global scale monitoring of soil and vegetation using active and passive sensors, International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 24, n.12, pp. 2409-2425, 2003.

McCollum, J. R., and R. R. Ferraro, 2003: Next generation of NOAA/NESDIS TMI, SSM/I, and AMSR-E microwave land rainfall algorithms, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D8), 8382, doi:10.1029/2001JD001512.

Mitnik, L. M., and M. L. Mitnik, Retrieval of atmospheric and ocean surface parameters from ADEOS-II AMSR data: comparison of errors of global and regional algorithms, Radio Science, vol. 38, no. 4, 8065, doi: 10.1029/2002RS002659, 2003.

Njoku, E. G., T. J. Jackson, V. Lakshmi, T. K. Chan, and S. V. Nghiem, Soil moisture retrieval from AMSR-E, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 41(2), pp. 215-229, 2003.

Pathemathevamn, M., T. Koike, and X. Li, A New Satellite Based Assimilation Algorithm to Determine Spatial and Temporal Variations of Soil Moisture and Tempretaure Profiles, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, vol. 81, no. 5, pp. 1111-1135, 2003.

Pathemathevamn, M., T. Koike, and X. Li, A New Satellite Based Assimilation Algorithm to Determine Spatial and Temporal Variations of Soil Moisture and Tempretaure Profiles, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, vol. 81, no. 5, pp. 1111-1135, 2003.

Pathmathevan, M., T. Koike, and X. Li, A simplified land data assimilation scheme and its application to soil moisture experiments in 2002 (SMEX02), Water Resources. Res., vol. 39, no. 12, 1341, doi: 10.1029/2003WR002124, 2003.

Shibata, A., A change of microwave radiation from the ocean surface induced by air-sea temperature difference, Radio Science, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 8063-8072, 2003.

Shibata, A., K. Imaoka, and T. Koike, AMSR /AMSR-E Level 2 and 3 Algorithm Developments and Data Validation Plans of NASDA, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 41, pp. 195-203, 2003.

Stammer, D., F. J. Wentz, and C. L. Gentemann, 2003: Validation of Microwave sea surface temperature measurements for climate purposes, Journal of Climate, 16(1), 73-87.

Thapliyal, P.K., P.K. Pal, M.S. Narayanan, J. Srinivasan, Development of a time series-based methodology for estimation of large-area soil wetness over India using IRS-P4 microwave radiometer data, JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY, Jan 2005, 127-143

Wilheit, T., C. Kummerow, and R. Ferraro, 2003: Rainfall algorithms for AMSR-E. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 41(2): 204-214.

Yamanaka, T., I. Kaihotsu, and D. Oyunbaatar, Temperature effect on soil water content measured by time domain reflectometry and its correlation using in situ data, J. Japan Soc. Hydrol. and Water Resour., vol. 16-3, pp. 246-254, 2003 (in Japanese with English abstract).

榎本浩之, "AMSRによる南極沿岸域と海氷モニタリング," 月刊海洋, 総特集:海氷研究の最前線- 衛星リモートセンシング・現地観測からのアプローチ, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 706-712, 2003.


Eonomoto, H., F. Nishio, H. Warashina and S. Ushio, Satellite observation of melting and break-up of fast ice in Lutzow-Holm Bay, Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., vol. 16, pp. 1-14, 2002.

Jackson, T.J., A.J. Gasiewski, A. Oldak, M. Klein, E.G. Njoku, A.Yevgrafov, S.Christiani, R. Bindlish, Soil moisture retrieval using the C-band polarimetric scanning radiometer during the Southern Great Plains 1999 Experiment, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Oct 2002, 2151-2161

Kubota, M., N. Iwasaka, A. Kizu, M. Konda and K. Kutsuwada, Introduction of Japanese ocean flux data sets with use of remote sensing observation(J-OFURO), J.Oceanogr., vol. 58, pp. 213-225, 2002.

Markus, T. and S.T. Dokken, 2002: Evaluation of late summer passive microwave Arctic sea ice retrievals. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40(2), 348-356.

Tateyama, K., H. Enomoto, Y. Toyota, and S. Uto, Sea Ice thickness estimated form passive microwave radiometers, Polar meteorology and Glaciology, vol. 16, pp. 15-31, 2002.

Yang, K., T. Koike, H. Fujii, K. Tamagawa, and N. Hirose, Improvement of Surface Flux Parameterizations with a Turbulence-Related Length, Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 128, Part B, no. 584, pp. 2073-2088, 2002.


Comiso, J. C., and K. Steffen, Studies of Antarctic sea ice concentrations from satellite data and their application, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 106, no. C12, pp. 31,316-31,385, 2001.

Crow, W.T., M. Drusch, and E.F. Wood, 2001: An observation system simulation experiment for the impact of land surface heterogeneity on AMSR-E soil moisture retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39(8): 1622-1631.

Donlon, C.J., C.L. Gentemann, and F.J. Wentz, A New Genration of Microwave Sea Surface Temperature, Backscatter, 12(2), 2001

Koike, T., H. Fujii, T. Ohta, and E. Togashi, Development and validation of TMI algorithms for soil moisture and snow, Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000, IAHS publication 267, pp. 390-393, 2001.

Macelloni, G., S. Paloscia, and P. Pampaloni, Airborne Multifrequency L- to Ka-band radiometric measurements over forests, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 39, 11, pp. 2507-2513, 2001.

Paloscia, S., G. Macelloni, E. Santi, and T. Koike, A Multifrequency Algorithm for the Retrieval of Soil Moisture on a Large Scale using Microwave Data from SMMR and SSM/I Satellites, IEEE Trans. on Geosci. Remote Sensing, Special Issue on Soil Moisture, vol. 39, 8, pp. 1655-1661, 2001.


Chang, A., and T. Koike, Progress in AMSR snow algorithm development, Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere, edited by Pampaloni and Paloscia, VSP 2000, pp. 515-523.

Hall, DK;A.B.Tait, J.L.Foster, A.T.C. Chang, M. Allen, Intercomparison of satellite-derived snow-cover maps, ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY, VOL 31, 2000, 369-376

Njoku, E., T. Koike, T. Jackson, S. Paloscia, Retrieval of soil moisture from AMSR data, Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere, edited by Pampaloni and Paloscia, VSP 2000, pp. 525-233.

Tait, A.B., D.K. Hall, J.L. Foster, R.L. Armstrong, Utilizing multiple datasets for snow-cover mapping, REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, Apr 2000, 111-126

小池俊雄, 下茂力, 太田哲, 藤井秀幸, 柴田彰, "陸面水文分布のグローバル推定のためのマイクロ波放射計アルゴリズムの開発と検証," 水工学論文集, 44巻,pp. 247-252, 2000.


Njoku, E.G., L. Li, Retrieval of land surface parameters using passive microwave measurements at 6-18 GHz, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, Jan 1999, 79-93

Special Sessions: Monitoring Earth with AMSR

IGARSS 2006, Denver, CO, USA
IGARSS 2005, Seoul, Korea
IGARSS 2004, Anchorage, AK, USA
IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France

Proceedings and Technical Reports

Armstrong, R.L., M.J. Brodzik, K. Knowles, M. H. Savoie, Deriving Long-Term Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent Trends from Satellite Passive Microwave and Visible Data, Proc, IGARSS 2006.

Armstrong, R.L., M.J. Brodzik, M.H. Savoie, Multi-sensor Approach to Mapping Snow Cover Using Data from AMSR-E and MODIS, Proc IGARSS 2006.

Bolten, J.D., W.T. Crow, X. Zhan, T.J. Jackson, C. Reynolds, The Application of AMSR-E Soil Moisture for Improved Global Agricultural Assessment and Forecasting, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Cavalieri, D.J., T. Markus, D.K. Hall, A.J. Gasiewski, M. Klein, A. Ivanoff, Assessment of EOS Aqua AMSR-E Arctic Sea Ice Concentrations Using Airborne Microwave and Lansat 7 Imagery, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Gasiewski, A.J., M. Klein, B.B. Stankov, D.J. Cavalieri, T. Markus, J. Comiso, High-resolution Airborne Passive Microwave Sea Ice Mapping in Support of AMSR-E Calibration and Validation, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Gentemann, C.L., F.J. Wentz, and M. DeMaria, “Near real time global optimum interpolated microwave SSTs: applications to hurricane intensity forecasting”, proceedings AMS 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 2006.

Heinrichs, J.F., Evaluation of AMSR-E Ice Concentration Products Using Data from Radarsat, MODIS and Operational Ice Charts, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Hosoda, K, H. Murakami, A. Shibata, F. Sakaida, H. Kawamura, Global Intercomparison of Sea Surface Temperature Measured by Infrared and Microwave Radiometers on a Single Satellite, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Imaoka, K., Y. Fujimoto, Y. Arai, A. Shibata, S. Morokuma, Y. Sasaki, Radio-frequency Interference Signals in the AMSR and Aircraft C-band Measurements, Proc IGARSS 2006.

Jackson, T.J., Validation of AMSR-E Soil Moisture Products Using Watershed Networks, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Kelly, R.E.J., J.L. Foster, B.J. Choudhury, Improving AMSR-E Snow Water Equivalent Retrievals Through Enhanced Forest Representation and Correction, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Koike, T., X. Li, T. Graf, K. Yang, M.C. Raza, S. Boussetta, Data Assimiulation of Hydrosphere by AMSR, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Lobl, E.S. and R.W. Spencer, AMSR-E Accomplishments and Ongoing Activities, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Narayan, U., and V. Lakshmi, High Resolution Change Estimation of Soil Moisture by Combination of AMSR-E Soil Moisture and Precipitation Radar (TRMM) Backscattering Coefficients, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Njoku, E.G., and S.K. Chan, Passive Microwave Land Observations Using C- and X-band Data from SMMR and AMSR-E, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Njoku, E.G., S.K. Chan, K-W. Jin, Soil Moisture and Vegetation Observation Using Three Years of ASMSR-E Data, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Paloscia, S., G. Macelloni, P. Pampaloni, E. Santi, Global Scale Analysis of Soil and Vegetation Parameters Using AMSR-E Data, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Regner, K.J., H.T. Conover, S.J. Graves, D.L. Hawkins, Product Delivery Record Server Data Transfer at the AMSR-E SIPS, Proc. IGARSS 2006.
Sato, Y., Y. Takeuchi, T. Tauchi, K. Okamoto, Recent Activities on AMSR-E Data Utilization in NWP/JMA, Proc. IGARSS 2006.
Shibata, A., Ocean Microwave Emission Change Induced by Air-sea Temperature Difference – A Large Factor Affecting the AMSR-E SST Accuracy, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Spencer, R.W, U.S. AMSR-E Products Overview, Proc. IGARSS 2006.

Wentz, F.J., C.L. Gentemann, K. Hilburn, AMSR-E Ocean Products for Climate Research, Proc. IGARSS 2006.


Arai, Y., Imaoka, K., and A. Shibata: Evaluation of AMSR-E main reflector characteristics using AMSR-E data in Aqua roll maneuver. IGARSS 2005, Seoul, Korea, 2005.

Arai, Y., Mutoh, T., Fujimoto, Y., Imaoka, K., and A. Shibata: Investigation of radio-frequency interference over Japan using AMSR and AMSR-E data. IGARSS 2005, Seoul, Korea, 2005.

Crow, W.T., Chan, S., Entekhabi, D., Hsu, A., Jackson, T.J., Njoku, E., O’Neill, P., and Shi, J.C. An observing system simulation experiment for Hydros radiometer-only soil moisture products. Proceedings Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Seoul, Korea, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37663C, 2737-2740.  July 2005.

Ebuchi, N., "Assessment of rain flag for the SeaWinds wind data product using AMSR precipitation data," Proc. IGARSS 2005, 4185-4188, 2005.

Ebuchi, N., "Intercomparison of Wind speeds observed by AMSR and SeaWinds on ADEOS-II," Proc. IGARSS 2005, 3314-3317, 2005.

Imaoka, K., A. Shibata, N. Ebuchi, T. Igarashi, S. Fukui, K. Tanaka, T. Kimura, T. Sezai, Y. Tange, and T. Shimoda, "Overview of the GCOM-W mission and AMSR follow-on instrument," Proc. SPIE 12th Europe International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 5978, pp. 49-56, 2005.

Imaoka, K., Fujimoto, Y., Yoshikawa, M., and A. Shibata: Multi-year analysis of AMSR-E brightness temperature over homogeneous regions. IGARSS 2005, Seoul, Korea, 2005.

Imaoka, K., Fujimoto, Y., Yoshikawa, M., Mutoh, T., and A. Shibata: Evaluation of AMSR and AMSR-E brightness temperature dataset. IGARSS2005, Seoul, Korea, 2005.

Jackson, T.J., Bindlish, R., Cosh, M., Gasiewski, A., Stankov, B., Klein, M., Weber, B., Zavorotny, V. Soil moisture experiments 2004 (SMEX 04) polarimetric scanning radiometer, AMSR-E and heterogeneous landscapes. Proceedings Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Seoul, Korea, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37663C, 1114-1117.  July 2005.

Lu, H., T. Koike, H. Fujii, N. Hirose, and K. Tamagawa, "A Radiative Transfer Model and an Algorithm for Soil Moisture Including Very Dry Conditions," Proc. IGARSS 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1131-1134, 2005.

Mikai, H., Arai, Y., Mutoh, T., Imaoka, K., and A. Shibata: A comparison of in situ precipitation with soil moisture retrieved from AMSR and AMSR-E. IGARSS 2005, Seoul, Korea, 2005.

Nishio, F.  and J. C. Comiso, "The Polar Ice Cover from Aqua/AMSR-E," Proc. IGARSS 2005, 24-30 July, 2005.

Okamoto, K., T. Iguchi, N. Takahashi, K. Iwanami, and T. Ushio, "The Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) Project," Proc. IGARSS 2005, 2005.

Regner, K., H. Conover, B. Beaumont, S. Graves, L. Hawkins, and P. Parker, Flexible Processing at the AMSR-E SIPS.  IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceeding, Seoul, Korea, July 25-29, 2005, pp. 3456-3459.

Santi, E., G. Macelloni, and S. Paloscia, "Multitemporal analysis of AMSR-E data: a large scale monitoring of Earth's surface parameters," Proc. IGARSS 2005, vol. 5, pp. 3466 – 3469, 2005.

Shibata, A., "Calibration of AMSR-E SST toward a Monitoring of Global Warming," Proc. IGARSS 2005, 2005.

Shibata, A., "Retrieval of Wind Speed inside Storms Using AMSR Data," Proc. IGARSS 2005.

Shibata, A.,"Improvement of AMSR-E SST by Considering an Elaborate Correction of Wind Effect," Proc. IGARSS 2005, 2005.

W. T. Liu and X. Xie, "Potential scientific applications of SeaWinds and its follow-on," Proc. IGARSS 2005, vol. 6, pp. 4208-4210, 2005.


Bosch, D. D., Jackson, T.J., Lakshmi, V., Jacobs, J., and Moran, S. In situ soil moisture network for validation of remotely sensed data. Proceedings Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Anchorage, AK, IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37612C, v. V: 3188-3190.  Sept. 2004.
Chang, A.T.C., Kelly, R.E.J., Foster, J.L. and Hall, D.K. (2004), Estimation of snow depth from AMSR-E in the GAME-Siberia experiment region, Proceedings of IGARSS 2004, Alaska, USA.

Comiso, J. C., A changing Arctic sea ice cover,  Proceedings of the 19th International  Symposium on Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice, Mombetsu, Japan, 22-26 February 2004.

Comiso, J.C., The polar sea ice cover - how it is changing; Proceedings of PORSEC 2004, University of Concepcion, Chile, 27 Nov. to 5 December, 2004.

Goodman, H.M., K. Regner, H. Conover, B. Beaumont, L. Hawkins, S. Jones, P. Ashcroft, F. Wentz, D. Conway, E. Lobl, Science Data Processing for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System.  Proceedings of SPIE 49th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2004, SPIE Vol. 5548, pp. 195-206.

Graf, T., T. Koike, and K. Nishimura, "Correcting snowfall from gauge observations using passive microwave brightness temperature data and data assimilation," Proc. IGARSS 2004, vol. 1 , pp. 448-451, 2004.

Graf, T., T. Koike, T. Pfaff, K. Muramoto, and K. Aonashi, "Estimation of snowfall over the sea of Japan using AMSR-E passive microwave remote sensing observation," Proc. IGARSS 2004, vol. 2, pp. 865-868, 2004.

Imaoka, K., Shiomi, K., and A. Shibata: On the application of oxygen band channels on Midori-II AMSR. IGARSS 2004, Anchorage, USA, 2004.

Kaihotsu, I., T. Yamanaka, G. Davaa, D. Oyunbaatar, and T. Koike, "Soil water movement at the Mongol CEOP and AMSR/AMSR-E validation site," Proc. 2nd Inter. Conf. APHW, pp. 473-480, 2004.

Mognard, N.M., Kelly, R.E.J., Grippa, M., Chang, A.T.C., Le Toan, T. and Josberger, E. (2004) Comparison of AMSR-E and SSM/I snow parameter retrievals over the Ob river basin, Proceedings of IGARSS 2004, Alaska, USA.

Paloscia, S., G. Macelloni, and E. Santi, "Soil moisture estimates on global scale from AMSR-E brightness temperatures," Proc. IGARSS 2004, vol. 2, pp. 857-860, 2004.

Sano, E., Assad, E., Jackson, T.J., Crow, W.T., and Hsu, A.Y.  Overview of the AGUA/AMSR-E 2003 soil moisture experiment in Brazil (SMEX03 Brazil).  Proceedings Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37612C, v. I: 329-331. Sept. 2004.

Shibata, A., "How much SeaWinds wind direction data improve AMSR SST," Proc. IGARSS 2004, 2004.

Shibata, A., Y. Kurihara, T. Sakurai, T. Kuragano, and K. Saito, "Application of Advanced Scanning Microwave Radiometer-E SST to Monitoring of Ocean and Fisheries Conditions," Proc. IGARSS 2004, 2004.

Takeuchi, Y., T. Tauchi, Y. Sato, M. Kachi, E. Ozawa, and H. Tada, "Expected use of ADEOS-II AMSR and the Aqua AMSR-E data to numerical weather predictions," Proc. SPIE 10th International Symposium Remote Sensing, vol. 5234, pp. 505-516, 2004.

Tauchi, T., Y. Takeuchi, and Y. Sato, "Assimilation of the  Aqua/AMSR-E data to numerical weather predictions," Proc. IGARSS 2004, 2004
Tauchi, T., Y. Takeuchi, Y. Sato, Assimilation of the Aqua/AMSR-E data to numerical weather predictions, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS '04. Proceedings, IEEE International, Volume 5, Page(s):3199 - 3202, 2004.


Aonashi, K., "Structural and Cloud-physical Characteristics of Solid Precipitation Observed on the Sea of Japan," Proc. IGARSS 2003, 2003.

Cavalieri, D. J. and T. Markus, EOS Aqua AMSR-E Arctic Sea Ice Validation Program: Arctic2003 Aircraft Campaign Flight Report, NASA TM-2003-212247, 40pp., 2003.

Chan, T. K., and E. G. Njoku, Algorithm refinement for Aqua/AMSR-E soil moisture retrieval, EOS Transactions, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2003.

Chang, A.T.C., Kelly, R.E.J., Foster J.L., and Hall, D.K. (2003), The testing of AMSR-E snow depth and snow water equivalent estimates in the northern hemisphere, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 8-12 December, 2003.

Chang, A.T.C., Kelly, R.E.J., Foster, J.L. and Hall, D.K. (2003) Global SWE monitoring using AMSR-E Data. Proceedings of IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France, 21-25 July, p680-682.

Ferraro, R. R., J. R. McCollum (2003), Rainfall over land from the AMSR-E, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS '03. Proceedings. IEEE International, Volume 1, 21-25 July Page(s):669 - 671.

Imaoka, K., Fujimoto, Y., Kachi, M., Takeshima, T., Igarashi, T., Kawanishi, T., and A. Shibata: Status of calibration and data evaluation of AMSR on board ADEOS-II. SPIE Int'l Symposium, Remote Sensing Europe, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.

Imaoka, K., Fujimoto, Y., Kachi, M., Takeshima, T., Shiomi, K., Mikai, H., Mutoh, T., Yoshikawa, M., and A. Shibata: Post-launch calibration and data evaluation of AMSR-E. IGARSS 2003, Toulouse, France, 2003.

Jackson, T. J., Bindlish, R., Klein, M., Gasiewski, A., and Njoku, E. G. Soil moisture retrieval and AMSR validation using an airborne microwave radiometer in SMEX02. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings. v. I. Pp. 401-403, Toulouse, France. July 2003.

Jackson, T.J. Current potential and outlook for satellite remote sensing of soil water content.  Proc. 30th International Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment, CD-ROM, Paper TS-27-3, 2003.

Kaihotsu, I., T. Yamanaka, D. Oyunbaatar, T. Ganbold, G. Davaa, and T. Koike, "Long-term Monitoring by Water Cycle Stations in the Central Part of the Mongolian Plateau," Proc. 1st Inter. Conf. APHW, vol. 1, pp. 117-120, 2003.

Kelly, R.E.J., Chang, A.T.C., Foster J.L., Hall, D.K. Stankov, B.B. and Gasiewski, A.J. (2003) Testing AMSR-E snow retrievals with Cold Lands Processes Experiment data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, CA. 8-12 December, 2003.

Kondoh, A. and T. Koike, "Role of soil water the subsurface water resources in the semi-arid region -Some results in Mongolia-," Proc. the CEReS International Symposium on  Remote Sensing “Monitoring of Environmental Change in Asia”, pp. 61-66, 2003.

Lakshmi, V., Narayan, U., Bolten, J., and Jackson, T. Estimation of soil moisture using data from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer. Proceedings of the Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp., Toulouse, France,  IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37477, Vol. I: 416-418. July 2003.

Paloscia, S. and E. Santi, "A semi-empirical algorithm for estimating soil moisture from dual-frequency microwave AMSR data," Proc. IGARSS 2003, vol. I, pp. 677-679, 2003.

Shibata, A., Imaoka, K., and M. Kachi: Geophysical products retrieved from AMSR/AMSR-E, and their applications. SPIE Int'l Symposium, Remote Sensing Europe, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.

Shibata, A., Imaoka, K., Kachi, M., Fujimoto, Y., and T. Mutoh*: AMSR/AMSR-E Sea Surface Temperature Algorithm Development. IGARSS2003, Toulouse, France, 2003.

Wentz, F. J., C. Gentemann, and P. Ashcroft (2003), On-orbit calibration of AMSR-E and the retrieval of ocean products, 83rd AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society, Long Beach, CA.


Chang, A.T.C. and Kelly, R.E.J., 2002, Description of snow depth retrieval algorithm for ADEOS II AMSR, EORC Bulletin: Technical Report Number 9, p.70-77.

Imaoka, K., Sezai, T., Takeshima, T., Kawanishi, T. and A. Shibata: Instrument characteristics and calibration of AMSR and AMSR-E. Proc. IGARSS 2002, 2002.

Lobl, E., Spencer, W. R., Shibata, A., Imaoka, K., Sasaki, M. and M. Kachi: Global climate monitoring with the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR and AMSR-E). SPIE 3rd Int’l Asia-Pacific Environmental Remote Sensing Symposium, Hangzhou, China, 2002.


Wentz, F. J., D. K. Smith, C. A. Mears, and C. L. Gentemann (2001), Advanced Algorithms for QuikScat and SeaWinds/AMSR, IGARSS '01. Proceedings.


H. Fujii, T. Koike, T. Ohta, H. Ishidaira, T. Jackson, and G. Heathman, "Soil moisture observation under different vegetation conditions by GBMR," Proc. IGARSS 2000, pp. 1268- 1270, 2000.

Imaoka, K., Shibata, A., Nakagawa, N., Nakajima, Y.*, Haijima H.*, Tanaka,H.*, and T. Imatani*, 2000: Airborne microwave radiometer for AMSR and AMSR-E project. Proc. SPIE: Microwave remote sensing of the atmosphere and environment II, 4152, 303-309.

T. Koike, E. Njoku, T. Jackson, and S. Paloscia, "Soil moisture algorithm development and validation for the ADEOS-II/AMSR," Proc. IGARSS 2000, pp. 1253-1255, 2000 (invited paper).

T. Koike, E. Togashi, and H. Fujii, "Validation and application of a snow algorith, in the Eurasian continent," Proc. IGARSS 2000, pp. 1558-1560, 2000 (invited paper).

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