In Depth: The Engine
Odyssey Creation Exhibition and Exile Return Restoration

Orville Wright ended the Flyer's exile in 1943, but did not live to see its return. The Smithsonian has since become a great repository of Wright aircraft, with three original machines, engines, documents, and a renowned tradition of scholarship and care for the Wright legacy.

The Wright Story
Orville WrightOrville's accolades
The Smithsonian Machines
The 1903 Flyer
The 1909 Flyer
The 1911 Model EX - "The Vin Viz"
A permanent home: 1948
In his agreement with the Smithsonian, Orville gave the Flyer its final home: the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. When it returned in 1948, it finally received a triumphant homecoming.
The arrival of the Flyer
The arrival of the Flyer
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Unpacking the Flyer
Unpacking the Flyer
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Assembling the Flyer
Assembling the Flyer
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The installation of the Flyer
Installing the Flyer
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