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CCS: Account Policies--Overview

By applying for a CCS HPC account, you hereby agree to the following policies:

  • CCS HPC Policy. This policy describes corporate and government requirements of computer access. You should read it carefully and print a copy for your records. In addition, there are operational rules for each system that are contained in the web pages for the system.

  • .rhost files or any files containing clear text passwords are NOT allowed!

  • Current contact information must be provided to the CCS. Accounts found with out-of-date contact information will be disabled until current contact information is provided.

  • One requirement of continued operational funding is periodic reporting of results. Each primary investigator will be asked to submit periodic reports on the results obtained. (A URL is the preferred method of reporting, but emails will be accepted).

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Updated: Thursday, 27-May-2004 11:29:37 EDT