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Sheraton Hotel - Norfolk, VA

2008 - Norfolk, Virginia

The 2008 ARM Science Team Meeting has concluded.
Now available from the meeting: Pictures, presentations, and the Chief Scientist and People's Choice award-winning posters.

See you next year in Louisville, Kentucky!

The Eighteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Science Team Meeting was held March 10-14, 2008, at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel in Norfolk, Virginia. This meeting brought together ARM science researchers, ARM Climate Research Facility infrastructure members, and selected leading scientists to review progress and plan future directions for ARM research.

Held annually since 1990, the ARM Science Team Meeting officially begins on Tuesday with a plenary session, followed by a full schedule through Thursday of formal presentations by invited speakers and breakout sessions. Working group meetings and special focus meetings will be held on Monday and Friday, including the ARM Chief Scientist's Orientation for New and Current Principal Investigators. Poster session receptions will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings to review and discuss results emerging from cloud and radiation measurement and modeling research.

Meeting Info icon

Meeting Info

Meeting photos are now posted.

To learn what happened at the meeting, see the agenda and an introduction to our invited speakers.

Interested in the ARM clothing you saw at the meeting, check out our ARM wear.

Registration icon


This year's meeting has concluded; see you next year in Louisville!

Poster abstract icon


Don't forget! Submit your poster PDF today.

Poster abstracts and PDFs may be viewed on the conference proceedings page.

This year, a People's Choice Award was given to our most favorite posters—be sure to see who won.

The Chief Scientist award winners are also available.

Abstract Info icon


The presentations are now available!