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IHS Headquarters Publications

Trends in Indian Health 2000-2001

Trends in Indian Health 2000-2001Trends in Indian Health contains tables and charts describing the Indian Health Service program and the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Information pertaining to the IHS structure, American Indian and Alaska Native demography, patient care, and community health are included. Historical trends are depicted, and comparisons to other population groups are made, when appropriate.

The material in Trends in Indian Health 2000-2001 is grouped into eight Acrobat PDF files.* Remember, if you want the complete publication, you must download all eight files. If you only want part of the publication, you may download only the specific files in which you are interested.

The first pdf file (561KB) contains

  • Title page
  • Preface
  • Table of Contents
  • Overview
  • Scope and Organization of this Report
  • Summary of Data Shown
  • Sources and Limitations of Data
  • Glossary
  • Sources of Copies and Additional Information

The second pdf file (318KB) contains

  • Part 1--Indian Health Service Structure

The third pdf file (414KB) contains

  • Part 2--Population Statistics

The fourth pdf file (454KB) contains

  • Part 3--Natality and Infant/Maternal Mortality Statistics

The fifth pdf file (2,000KB) contains

  • Part 4--General Mortality Statistics

The sixth pdf file (2,000KB)) contains

  • Part 5--Patient Care Statistics

The seventh pdf file (509KB) contains

  • Part 6--Community Health Statistics

The eighth pdf file (313KB) contains

  • Glossary of ICD-9 Codes
  • Methods Used to Rank Leading Sites of Cancer Deaths
  • Index to Charts and Tables
  • References

Please e-mail questions and comments to Edna Paisano (, Team Leader, Program Statistics Team.

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This file last modified: Monday June 9, 2008  12:19 PM