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Data Sets
USDA ERS Data Set Catalog Listing: Ag Chemicals & Production Technology

 Ag Chemicals & Production Technology


[Archived] Acid Rain in the Northeastern United States
Spring (April-June) and summer (July-September) estimates of nitrate and sulfate wet depositions in kilograms per hectare by State and county by year for the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions.
92017 8/1/1992 $35.00

[Archived] Agricultural Commodity Output
U.S. and State data for the 17 agricultural sectors of 1982 U.S. input-output accounts. These data are completely additive to the published national tables for the agricultural sector.
91008 7/1/1992 $25.00

[Archived] Cropping Practices; 1990-95 data
These databases contain unsummarized data from the annual USDA Cropping Practices Survey. Included are data on nutrient and pesticide usage, tillage practices, and related data for major field crops. Compressed .
93018 8/1/1995 $35.00

[Archived] Irrigation Production Data System (IPDS)
This data product contains a comprehensive analysis system for irrigated and dryland crop production by state and farm production region. Crop-specific information includes acreage, yield, price, input use, costs, returns, and breakeven statistics on 11 commodities for 1984.
ERS89023 1/1/1997 $55.00

Organic Farmgate and Wholesale Prices
This data set provides farmgate and wholesale prices for select organic and conventional fruits and vegetables, wholesale prices for organic and conventional poultry (broilers) and eggs, as well as f.o.b. and spot prices for organic grain and feedstuffs. Prices are based on those reported by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Market News, Organic Food Business News, and USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Organic Production
In 2005, for the first time, all 50 States in the U.S. had some certified organic farmland. This data set surveys organic operations and acreage for crops and livestock (over 40 commodities), with some tables dating back to 1992. Data for 2000-2005 include the number of certified operations, by State.
12/15/2006 10:30:00 AM

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