HOME Ames Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Ames, Iowa


AMES, Iowa -- A recently published research paper has earned a medal for a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Ames Laboratory.

Dr. Rohit Trivedi, a senior metallurgist at Ames Lab and a distinguished professor at Iowa State University's (ISU) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, will receive the ASM Henry Marion Howe Medal for 1996 for his paper entitled "Theory of Layered-Structure Formation in Peritectic Systems."

The award is given by ASM International, the Materials Information Society, and honors the author whose paper is judged the best of those published in a specific volume of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. Trivedi's paper appeared in June 1995, volume 26A, and develops the quantitative model of a novel microstructure in which alternating layers of two different solids form when a liquid alloy is solidified.

The 1995 volume from which his paper was selected includes over 300 research papers and symposia contributions in all aspects of physical metallurgy and materials science. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions is published jointly by ASM International and The Materials Society (TMS), the two largest metallurgical societies.

The award will be presented during ASM's Materials Week in October in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Released September 3, 1996

Last revision: 4/17/98 mab

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