Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee (AAPC) Roster
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Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee (AAPC) Roster

Wendy M. Payne, Chair
Executive Director
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
441 G Street NW
Room 6814
Washington , DC 20548
202 512-7357
fax 202 512-7366

Luther N. Bragg

Assistant Auditor General
Financial Management and Comptroller Audits
Department of the Navy, Naval Audit Service
1006 Beatty Place, SE Building 219 Room 327
Washington Navy Yard , DC 20374-5005
202 433-6401

John Brewer

Associate Chief Financial Officer
Financial Operations
U. S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue
Room 143W
Washington, D.C.  20250
 202 720-9427

Alice F. Carey

Deputy Assistant Inspector General
Defense Financial Auditing Service
Department of Defense, Office of Inspector General
400 Army Navy Drive, ATTN: DFS
Arlington, VA 22202


Kristine Chadwick

CFO & Associate Executive Director
Office of Financial Management
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
6432 General Green Way, Room 2814
Alexandria, VA 22312
(202) 551-7836

Daniel Fletcher
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
1849 C Street, NW MS 2257
Washington, DC 20240

Carrie Hug

Chief, Financial Standards and Grants Branch
Office of Federal Financial Management
Office of Management and Budget
725 17th Street, NW Suite 6025
Washington, DC 20503
fax 202 395-3952

Donjette L. Gilmore
Assistant Director
Accounting & Finance Policy
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/DCFO
Department of Defense
1100 Defense Pentagon, Room 3B287
Washington, DC20301-1100

George A. Rippey, CPA, CGFM

Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit
Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Education
Potomac Center Plaza
Room 8125
550 12th Street, SW.,
Washington, DC 20202

Frank S. Synowiec, Jr.
Assistant Director
Government Accountability Office
Room 5X20
Washington , DC 20548
fax 202-512-9596

D. James Sturgill
Assistant Commissioner, Government-wide Accounting
Financial Management Service
US Department of the Treasury
3700 East-West Highway
Room 506A PGMC II
Hyattsville , Maryland 20782
202 874-8010
fax 202 874-8070


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