A Message from the Chief Justice

Dear Candidate:

     The Supreme Court Fellows Program offers a unique opportunity to learn about and contribute to the administration of justice at the national level. The Supreme Court, Federal Judicial Center, Administrative Office of the United States Courts and United States Sentencing Commission are all looking for creative, talented, and energetic candidates with proven records of accomplishment.

     I encourage you to consider the opportunities presented by the Supreme Court Fellows Program and the contributions you might make to the federal judiciary. Our need for motivated individuals who want to make a difference is as important today as it was when Chief Justice Warren Burger began the program in 1973.

     With best wishes,


          John G. Roberts, Jr.
          Chief Justice of the United States

"The Supreme Court Fellows Program provides a year of challenge, hard work, and first-hand exposure to the federal court system. By the year's end, Fellows take with them useful knowledge and a unique experience, and leave behind a personal contribution toward the Judiciary's important work."

David Leitch

SCFP Annual Events
February 26-27, 2009