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For immediate release

Jim Liljegren, (515) 294-8428
Susan Dieterle, (515) 294-1405


AMES, Iowa -- Jim Liljegren, an atmospheric researcher at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory, will be available beginning Tuesday (July 14) for interviews about his eight weeks aboard a ship frozen into an arctic ice pack to study polar climate conditions. Liljegren just returned from the Des Groseilliers, a Canadian icebreaker that was intentionally frozen into the ice last fall as part of a 13-month mission to study the interactions of the ocean, ice and air in the arctic.

Liljegren was due to return June 23 but was delayed by more than two weeks because the melting ice developed numerous cracks, making it difficult for a plane to land safely. Officials had to send a second icebreaker to bring the returning scientists back to the mainland.

Included with this announcement is a condensed version of messages Liljegren transmitted from the ship. His account includes frequent polar bear sightings as well as mentions of the problems posed by the rapidly melting ice during the latter half of his shift.

If you would like assistance arranging an interview with Liljegren, please contact Susan Dieterle in the Ames Lab Public Affairs Office at 294-1405.

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