Table 70

Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted
Population Group of Victim Officer's Agency by Type of Weapon, 2005

Population group Total Firearm Knife or other
cutting instrument
dangerous weapon
Personal weapons
Total 57,546 2,145 1,059 8,314 46,028
Percent distribution1 100.0 3.7 1.8 14.4 80.0
Group I (cities 250,000 and over) 15,128 915 309 2,351 11,553
Group II (cities 100,000 - 249,999) 6,804 198 101 977 5,528
Group III (cities 50,000 - 99,999) 5,879 152 89 774 4,864
Group IV (cities 25,000 - 49,999) 4,631 77 67 684 3,803
Group V (cities 10,000 - 24,999) 3,987 77 70 474 3,366
Group VI (cities under 10,000) 4,478 111 100 532 3,735
Metropolitan counties 14,252 430 259 2,067 11,496
Nonmetropolitan counties 2,387 185 64 455 1,683

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