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Urge Your Member of Congress to Pass NAHASDA Now

The NAIHC membership has been working diligently for two years to get NAHASDA reauthorized. We have less than three weeks to get a bill to the President’s desk. Please use the attached letter to contact your Members of Congress today.

Download example letter (MS Word : 23 KB)

Read the Federal Monitor (PDF : 99 KB)

National Indian Health Board Urges NAHASDA Reauthorization

Download support letter (PDF : 77 KB)

Native Housing Update

September 10, 2008 - Download PDF (PDF : 78 KB)

NAIHC Offers Pathways Home Courses

NAIHC is pleased to announce that we are now able to offer the "Pathways Home: A Native Homeownership Guide" train-the-trainer certification course. There is no registration fee for these courses. Seating is limited so you are encouraged to register early.

Our first class will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico the week of September 22-26, 2008. Our second class will be in Bloomington, Minnesota the week of November 17-21, 2008.

Registration and more information

NAIHC Weighs In With Senate Finance Committee on Tax Incentives

August 6, 2008

Download Testimony (PDF : 25 KB)

Indian Country Waits For Housing Bill Over August Recess

August 5, 2008

Federal Monitor : Volume 8, Number 3 (PDF : 54 KB)

Appropriations Chart

August 6, 2008

This FY 2009 Appropriation Table is a “work in progress.” Only the Senate appropriators have released funding levels. The FY 2009 appropriations process is not expected to be completed until after the Presidential Election in November and may well extend to March 2009. We will continue to add more information as it becomes available. Please check back for future updates.

Download chart (PDF : 2 KB)

Register for Upcoming Leadership Institute Classes

Date/City Course Description
Sept 30- Oct 3
Spokane, WA

Financial Management II
(Accounting Systems Training)

Oct 14-17
Minneapolis, MN

Introduction to Affordable Housing Finance

Oct 21-24
Albuquerque, NM

Supervisory Management

NAIHC 2007 Annual Report

Download the Annual Report (PDF : 2MB)

NAIHC Chairman Visits Washington DC

(L to R) Co-Chairman Buford Rolin, National Steering Committee for Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, Chairman Marty Shuravloff, National American Indian Housing Council, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Chairman Arlan Melendez, Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Chairman Alvin Moyle, Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe.

Read Chairman Shuravloff's remarks before Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee
(PDF : 16 KB)

NAIHC Weighs In On Predatory Lending In Indian Country

Read the testimony submitted to Senate Subcommittee on Indian Affairs
(PDF : 118 KB)

First Nations Development Institute Report on Predatory Lending
(PDF : 3 MB)

Senate Passes NAHASDA

On the eve of Memorial Day recess, the United States Senate unanimously passed S. 2062, the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Reauthorization Act of 2007.

Download S.2062 (PDF : 94 KB)

Download press release (PDF : 25 KB)

Membership Approves Ten Resolutions at Annual Convention

The NAIHC membership approved ten resolutions during the 2008 Annual Convention & Trade Show. Notably, the membership passed a resolution requiring a two-thirds majority vote on all resolutions and, by a two-thirds majority, passed a resolution to include Native Hawaiians as a voting member of NAIHC.

2008 NAIHC Membership Resolutions

Updated NAIHC Bylaws

Letter From NAIHC Chairman

NAIHC Chairman issues letter encouraging Tribal Leaders to help resolve issues so that NAHASDA can be reauthorized in 2008

Download letter (PDF : 48 KB)

Congressional Briefing Papers

NAHASDA Reauthorization, Appropriations and other important documents

NAIHC Newsletter Online

Latest news from NAIHC

View the newsletter

Membership Letter Regarding Census Data

The following letter is to update you on the official position of the Board of Directors for the National American Indian Housing Council ("the Board") regarding the issue of The Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) use of single- and multi-race Census data when calculating the need portion of the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) formula. The Board has decided to remain impartial on this issue.

Download and read the letter (PDF 39KB)

Voting & Associate Members

Please send your membership dues directly to NAIHC at our Washington address, 50 F Street NW, Suite 3300, Washington, DC 20001. Your annual dues must be current to vote at the upcoming annual Members Meeting on May 14, 2008. Should you have any questions regarding your dues, please contact Vanessa Van Pelt at 202-789-1754 or


NAIHC Legal Symposium Dates Announced

December 9 - Legislative Committee Meeting
December 10 - Plenary Session/Training Tracks
December 11 - Training Tracks

More information

Employment Opportunities

NAIHC Baby Blankets Still Available!




Learn more here

2009 Annual Convention

NAIHC's 2009 Convention and Trade Show will be held in New Orleans

More Convention information

Native Housing Update

A by-weekly digest of Native housing news and announcements of interest compiled by NAIHC.

Sept 10, 2008 - Download PDF (PDF : 78 KB)

Aug 29, 2008 - Download PDF (PDF : 78 KB)

Aug 11, 2008 - Download PDF (PDF : 55 KB)

July 23, 2008 - Download PDF (PDF : 55 KB)

July 2, 2008 - Download PDF (PDF : 67 KB)

Native Housing Update Archive

Federal Monitor

A newsletter providing information on issues of importance for Indian housing.

Vol 8, No. 4 (PDF 99KB)

Vol 8, No. 3 (PDF 51KB)

Vol 8, No. 2 (PDF 54KB)

Vol 8, No. 1 (PDF 54KB)

Federal Monitor Archive

National American Indian Housing Council

50 F Street, NW Suite 3300 |  Washington, D.C. 20001
202-789-1754  |  800-284-9165  |  202-789-1758 (fax)

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