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Mayor Chávez Supports the Indian Healthcare Act

Mayor Chávez announced today that during the June meeting of the US Conference of Mayors he will introduce a resolution in Support of the Indian Healthcare Improvement Act of 2008 (SB 1200 and HB 1328).

“The United States Government has a legal trust responsibility, based on treaties, statutes and long-standing practice, to provide healthcare to the estimated 4.4 million Native Americans,” said the Mayor.

Native Americans experience higher disease rates and lower life expectancy than any other racial or ethnic group in the country. Native Americans also experience exponentially higher rates of diabetes, mental disorders, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, influenza and injuries. This is according to the National Congress of the American Indians. The proposed act will benefit many Native Americans by:

  • Increase recruitment and scholarship programs for Indian Health Professionals
  • Expands current cancer screening programs for Native Americans
  • Improves communicable and infectious disease monitoring
  • Expands the program to prevent domestic violence and sexual abuse among Native American communities

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