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Balloon Landing Site Saved

Mayor Chávez, Balloonists and Neighbors Save the Balloon Landing Site in the Vista del Norte Neighborhood.

Balloon Landing Site Saved

Mayor Announces Purchase of Balloon Landing Sites

Today Mayor Chávez announced the purchase of land for future landing sites for Balloonist. “This is a great way to protect the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, this is a win,win,win for Albuquerque and the Vista Del Norte neighbors” said the Mayor.

The land located in the Vista Del Norte Neighborhood was purchased for $4.7 million . Balloonists now have 16.7 acres of land to land their crafts. The developer keeps 5 acres for development on the south end of the site. The 5 acres is covered by power lines that make it unsuitable for balloons to land and would have cost the city thousands of more dollars. "As the Mayor of Albuquerque, it is my job to protect all the taxpayers to ensure financial responsibility for the City, " Mayor Chávez stated.

The development of the 5 acres is estimated to generate over $1 million of gross receipts dollars with $344,000 going to the City. This will give the residents of Vista del Norte the local shops, restaurants and small business that they so desperately need in their community, as well as green space for the neighborhood to play in and enjoy.

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