sprghd.gif (29931 bytes)1999 Partnerships Technology Games at PREVENTION 99

March 18-20, 1999


Missouri Information for Community Assessment (MICA)

Missouri Information for Community Assessment

The Missouri Information for Community Assessment (MICA) system was developed to make health data accessible at the local level, through an easy-to use format. This is an interactive system that allows users to summarize data, calculate rates, and prepare information in a graphic format for presentation.

MICA provides data on health conditions, including causes of death, births, hospitalizations, emergency room use and injuries. Users can choose from among the many conditions and generate ad hoc data tables by year of occurrence, age, gender, race, county or zip code of residence and age-adjusted rates. MICA also allows users to download the data table into other applications, in order to produce charts or graphs. The newest feature of MICA provides information on licensed physicians and nurses by county and by specialty.

Data for MICA are extracted and summarized for the highest level of detail from files maintained by the Missouri Department of Health. The data are summarized and the frequencies are pre-computed for each combination of the variables. This provides two major advantages: the response time to create and return a table is usually less than five seconds and no individual record can be accessed. Confidentiality rules have been developed to protect the privacy of individuals.

The system uses the facilities provided by a Web browser and Internet server using Common Gateway Interface (CGI). It consists of HTML programs, C programs and a key lookup database.

The Technology Games will begin at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 18 and end
Saturday, March 20 at 10:45 a.m.

Visit Table 11 in the Exhibit Hall to learn more about the MICA system

Contact Information

Missouri Department of Health
920 Wildwood
Jefferson City, MO  65109

Contact: Garland Land, Director
Phone: 573-751-6272
Fax: 573-526-5521

E-mail: landg@mail.health.state.mo.us
Web site:


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Contact: games99@health.org       Updated: 04/02/01