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About the Technology Games

The Partnerships Technology Games feature hands-on demonstrations of innovative, interactive health communication applications (e.g., health web sites, non-networked applications). This is the premiere opportunity for developers to gain wide exposure and recognition for their products, and engage experts and conference attendees within the context of a friendly, informal competition. Applications entered in the Technology Games are to include consumers and patients as primary users among other target audiences. The Technology Games are designed to encourage the development of high quality applications while being both entertaining and educational. nidus.jpg (18979 bytes)

Ample time is set aside for judges and conference participants to "test drive" the applications, provide constructive feedback, and recognize outstanding and popular entries. All Technology Games entries and winners will be featured on the Partnerships ’99 Web site, along with hot links to the host institutions. Winners will also receive an award certificate at an awards reception on the last day of the event.

Visit the 1998 Partnerships Web site to see a list of 1998 participants and winners.

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Who Can Enter

village.jpg (22264 bytes) Everyone is encouraged to enter the Technology Games: individuals; companies; universities; civic and nonprofit entities; and public agencies. Noncommercial applicants may register at a reduced rate.

No developer/company/organization can enter more than two Web sites or other applications. 

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Preliminary Games Categories

The final categories for the Technology Games will be determined after entries are received.  Entries will be judged by category but the judges reserve the right to recognize multiple entries in the same category or not recognize any application in a category. Participants should indicate their category preference, but some entries may be shifted to other categories to maintain a balance of applications.  Preliminary categories are as follows:

  • Health Information—General (e.g., general health information web sites and CD ROMs/DVDs, etc.)
  • Health Information—Tailored (e.g., applications that provide tailored information based on user characteristics/needs)
  • Decision Support (e.g., shared clinical decisionmaking, assistance with decisions related to providers)
  • Peer and Emotional Support (e.g., online support networks)
  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (e.g., beneficiary employee wellness, health risk assessment)
  • Self-Care, Condition Management, and Diagnostic Support (e.g., symptom management and triage, home health, remote management of health conditions)
  • Provider-Patient Communication/Telemedicine (e.g., clinical advice, online consultation, provider-patient email)
  • Patient Interfaces to Medical Records and Medical Institutions (e.g., patient centered medical records, automated medical history, delivery of home health services)
  • Public Health/Population-Based Applications (e.g., applications that provide public health-related information/advice to the public or health professionals)
  • Applications for Specific Population Groups (e.g., persons with physical disabilities or low literacy, seniors or children, specific racial, ethnic, or linguistic groups)

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Judging and Awarding of Prizes

All entries will be evaluated by a panel of judges selected by Partnerships '99.  Prizes will be awarded in different categories (which may not correspond with the preliminary Technology Games categories). There also will be prizes based on the popular vote of meeting participants. Prizes will be announced on the last day of each Technology Games event. All award decisions are final. Prizes may include certificates and donated items of value. award.jpg (20513 bytes)

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Guidance for Awardees

Award winners and other contestants may not use their entrance or award to imply any endorsement by any sponsoring organization. Please note that the awards do not represent endorsement of any application by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or any other sponsoring organization. Awardees should not state or imply such endorsement in any marketing materials. However, winners may use the following statement in their promotions: "Recognized as an outstanding application at the Partnerships '99 Technology Games." All Technology Games participants and winners of awards will be featured on the Partnerships ’99 web site.

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More Information

Questions about logistics and registration should be e-mailed to: games99@health.org.

Questions about the organization and judging of the Games should be directed to: Tom Eng, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, e-mail: games99@health.org or phone: 202-690-5825.

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Contact: games99@health.org       Updated: 04/02/01