sprghd.gif (29931 bytes)1999 Partnerships Technology Games at PREVENTION 99

March 18-20, 1999


Healthwise Logo

Healthwise, Incorporated, can help your membership become wise about its health. Since 1975, Healthwise has distributed over 15 million self-care books and provided millions of families access to the Healthwise Knowledgebase® software. This toolset helps produce better decisions about health, improves quality of care, and saves health plans money.

The Healthwise Knowledgebase® Software is a comprehensive resource of decision-making information created for medical consumers. The Knowledgebase® content is evidenced-based, unbiased, and up to date. Topics are framed around how people learn and use information to create wisdom about health. Users can research diagnosed conditions, medical tests, medications, treatment options, and key decision points. Ultimately, it supports decisions about when a problem can be treated at home, when to see a doctor, and what treatment option is best for them. An independent medical review board helps to create and maintain the hundreds of topics included.

The Healthwise Knowledgebase® Software comes in a variety of platforms to meet the needs of an organization. A Web product is delivered with the organization's branding as a valuable part of its external Web site or in an internal corporate intranet. The Knowledgebase® is also offered as application software on a Local Area Network or nurse call center environment (available with call management software).

The most powerful complement to the deliveries of the Knowledgebase® is the "Healthwise Decisions" companion program. Special editions of the Healthwise® Handbook (self-care guides) have integrated icons that direct readers to more information available in the Knowledgebase®. This combines the convenience of print with the power of the Internet.

Healthwise, Incorporated, has a 25-year history and passion for helping consumers to be wise about health: a Mindset to take an active role in health, a Skillset to do self-care and shared decision-making, and a Toolset of information to understand health options.

The Technology Games will begin at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 18 and end Saturday, March 20 at 10:45 a.m.

Visit Table 1 in the Exhibit Hall to learn more about Healthwise Knowledgebase®

Contact Information

Healthwise, Incorporated
2601 North Bogus Basin Road
Boise, ID 83702

Contact: Kris Brock, Conference Coordinator
Toll Free: 800-706-9646
Phone: 208-331-6959
Fax: 208-345-1897
E-mail: kbrock@healthwise.org
Web site: http://www.healthwise.org


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Contact: games99@health.org       Updated: 04/02/01