sprghd.gif (29931 bytes)1999 Partnerships Technology Games at PREVENTION 99

March 18-20, 1999


Office of Dietary Supplements Logo

The International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) is a database of published, peer-reviewed, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. IBIDS is produced by the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), National Institutes of Health to assist the public, health care providers, and researchers in locating credible, scientific literature on dietary supplements. IBIDS is available to the public free of charge through the ODS Internet Web site (http://dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov).

The database was developed through an interagency agreement with the Food and Nutrition Information Center, National Agricultural Library, U.S. Department of Agriculture. IBIDS is designed to be user-friendly so individuals with all levels of expertise may access it easily. However, a sophisticated search strategy drives IBIDS that simultaneously and transparently searches numerous medical, botanical, agricultural, chemical, and pharmaceutical databases. Since each of the existing databases uses a different format and set of key words, this presented a significant technical challenge.

To assist those who might be unfamiliar with scientific names and spelling, a copy-and-paste keyword list is provided. The search may be narrowed to the specific topic of interest and then selected citations and abstracts may be emailed back to the user. The IBIDS database is a dynamic project and is updated regularly. It currently contains over 250,000 scientific citations and abstracts, however, we are in negotiations to add 10 additional databases that will further expand this resource for everyone interested in scientific information on dietary supplements.

The Technology Games will begin at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 18 and end
Saturday, March 20 at 10:45 a.m.

Visit Table 17 in the Exhibit Hall to learn more about the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS)

Contact Information

Office of Dietary Supplements
Office of the Director
National Institutes of Health
Building 31, Room 1B25

9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD  20892
Contact: Terri Krakower, Ph.D., Scientific Communications Specialist
Phone: 301
Fax: 301
-mail: ods@nih.gov
site: http://dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov


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Contact: games99@health.org       Updated: 04/02/01