FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 97-92 SEC AND GERMAN BAWe SIGN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Washington, D.C., October 17, 1997 -- The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Bundesaufsichtsamt fr den Wertpapierhandel (BAWe) (Germany's securities regulator) jointly announced the signing today of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU sets forth a pragmatic approach for cooperating and sharing information in enforcing U.S. and German securities laws. SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt and BAWe President Georg Wittich signed the MOU on behalf of their respective Commissions. Commenting on the MOU, SEC Chairman Levitt said: "Sharing information between financial regulators is essential to ensure market integrity and investor protection. The SEC and the BAWe are close partners in developing high standards for regulation and cooperation in the international financial community." BAWe President Wittich commented: "This MOU memorializes the partnership between the BAWe and the SEC, and lays a solid framework for our continued work in addressing tomorrow's challenges." The formal name of the document is: Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation and Cooperation in the Administration and Enforcement of Securities Laws. # # #