FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 97-59 Chairman Arthur Levitt Issues Challenge to SEC Staff to Heighten Awareness of Need for Plain English Levitt says, "Gobbledygook Must Go!" Washington, DC, July 16, 1997 -- Chairman Arthur Levitt today issued a challenge to all SEC employees to find the worst piece of "gobbledygook" and transform it into plain English. The "before" language can originate either from within the SEC or from a document submitted to the Commission by the public. A $250 U.S. Savings Bond will be awarded for the best entry. Chairman Arthur Levitt said, "What is the point of disclosure if the people who need it most don't understand it? This contest will heighten the awareness of everyone at the SEC that communicating in plain English is the best way to serve investors. Gobbledygook must go!" The passage should be translated into plain English using the new Plain English Handbook: How to Create Clear SEC Disclosure Documents, which is issued by the Office of Investor Education and Assistance. The handbook can be obtained from our website at and the Office of Investor Education and Assistance at (202) 942-7040. The entries are due by August 22. A sampling of the best submissions will be displayed in the Lobby of the SEC at 450 Fifth St., N.W. The top translation will be used in future editions of the SEC's Plain English Handbook as an example of how even the most confusing jargon can be easily understood. # # #