FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 97-56 Lawyers Organize to Fight "Pay to Play" Washington, D.C., July 3, 1997 -- Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Arthur Levitt today hailed the actions of The Lawyers Committee to End "Pay-to-Play," formed under the Honorary Chairmanship of Judge William T. Webster. Chairman Levitt said: "Our nation's lawyers now face the task of ending pay-to-play. Joining these leading lawyers in calling for an end to the practice is a good place to begin. I trust and hope they will heed our call." The Committee has organized to call upon the American Bar Association and local bar groups across the country to take measures to end the practice known as "pay-to-play." Pay to play by lawyers is the making of political contributions to elected officials of local governments to influence the award of contracts for legal services in connection with the offering of local government debt. Judge Webster is joined on the Committee by the Honorable William T. Allen, James R. Doty, Stephen J. Friedman, Michael J. Halloran, John M. Liftin, John F. Olson and Elliot L. Richardson. Judge Webster said, in connection with the announcement: "The practice known as `pay-to-play' brings discredit upon the legal profession. We are asking lawyers across the country to join us in calling upon the American Bar Association and state bar associations to promptly address the need to develop and adopt rules prohibiting the practice of lawyers making political contributions in order to obtain municipal securities business. Such practices have already been effectively prohibited in the brokerage and investment banking professions." The Committee is writing to lawyers inviting them to join in signing a resolution. Over thirty of the country's leading lawyers have signed the resolution calling upon the various national, state and local bar organizations and authorities to recognize the impropriety of lawyers and law firms engaging in such practices, and to endorse in principle the condemnation of pay to play. The American Bar Association is scheduled to take up the matter this August at their annual meeting in San Francisco. Contact at the SEC: Paul Maco (202) 942-7300 Director, Office of Municipal Securities