For Immediate Release 97-29 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION TO CONSIDER RULES IMPLEMENTING VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE NATIONAL SECURITIES MARKETS IMPROVEMENTS ACT OF 1996 Washington D.C., April 3, 1997--Today the Commission is considering for adoption rules under the Investment Company Act of 1940 relating to privately offered investment companies. A wide variety of issuers, including hedge funds, venture capital pools, and certain structured finance vehicles, currently operate as privately offered funds. The rules would implement various provisions of the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996. The 1996 Act created a new exclusion from investment company regulation for privately offered funds that sell their securities solely to "qualified purchasers." A qualified purchaser generally is any individual that owns $5 million in "investments" or an institution that owns $25 million in "investments." The term "investments" for purposes of these provisions must be defined by Commission rule by April 9, 1997. The 1996 Act also amended the existing exclusion from investment company regulation for privately offered funds that have 100 or fewer investors. The 1996 Act directed the Commission to adopt rules by April 9, 1997 defining certain terms for purposes of a special provision permitting a privately offered fund to convert into a qualified purchaser pool. The 1996 Act also directed the Commission to adopt rules by October 11, 1997 addressing investments in privately offered funds by "knowledgeable employees" and certain transfers of privately offered funds' securities. The rules considered today would effect all of the rulemaking requirements in the 1996 Act concerning privately offered funds, as well as address certain related interpretive issues that have arisen since the passage of the 1996 Act. ! Rule 2a51-1 would define the term "investments" for purposes of the qualified purchaser definition to include securities, and real estate, commodity interests, physical commodities, certain financial contracts, and cash and cash equivalents held for investment purposes. The rule also would address various forms of holding investments and the manner in which the amount of investments owned by a prospective qualified purchaser should be determined. ! Rule 2a51-2 would define certain terms for purposes of the provisions that permit an existing privately offered fund to convert into a qualified purchaser pool or to be treated as a qualified purchaser. ! Rule 2a51-3 would clarify certain interpretative issues concerning companies that are qualified purchasers. ! Rule 3c-1 would permit existing privately offered funds to rely on the pre-1996 Act provision for determining whether certain investors that are companies are counted as one person for purposes of the 100-investor limit, in order to permit these funds to preserve their existing arrangements with those investors. ! Rule 3c-5 would address investments in privately offered funds by "knowledgeable employees" of the funds and certain of their affiliates. ! Rule 3c-6 would address transfers of securities of privately offered funds by gift or bequest or when caused by divorce or death.