Winter Storms Causing Consumers to Reach for Supplemental Heating


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

January 29, 2007
Release #07-091
CPSC Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contacts: (301) 504-7908

Winter Storms Causing Consumers to Reach for Supplemental Heating
CPSC Warns of Deadly Fire and CO Dangers

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With winter storms and cold weather impacting much of the country, the need for supplemental heating is on the rise. Continued reports of deaths and injuries associated with alternative heating products prompts the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) again to warn consumers to exercise extreme caution when using space heaters, kerosene heaters, and fireplaces.

On January 17, a 1-year-old, Westmoreland, N.Y., girl was killed when a space heater in her room ignited a fire. Her mother, while trying to rescue the child, received burns to her hands, arms and face. In another recent incident, a Tarrant City, Ala., couple was killed when embers from their fireplace ignited a fire that spread throughout the home.

"There are nearly 25,000 fires and 140 deaths on average each year from portable heaters, fireplaces and chimneys," said CPSC Acting Chairman Nancy Nord. "Use these products properly and have working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to help keep your family safe this winter."

Home heating equipment is one of the most common causes of residential structure fires, second only to cooking fires. Portable heaters, including space heaters, are the leading cause of deaths in home heating equipment-related fires. Space heaters can cause fires if they are placed too close to flammable materials such as drapes, furniture or bedding. Fireplaces can cause fires if the chimney is cracked, blocked or coated with creosote, or if sparks and embers reach flammable materials.

Also, carbon monoxide (CO) from gasoline-powered generators that may be used during winter weather-related power outages can kill in minutes. Consumers should never use a generator, charcoal or gas grill in an enclosed area. In addition, fuel-burning appliances can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if they are improperly installed, poorly maintained, have defective or blocked venting systems, or are misused.

To help prevent deaths and injuries, CPSC urges consumers to:


Space heaters:

Charcoal grills:

Consumers who would like more information can view or receive the following free:

CPSC booklets: "What You Should Know about Space Heaters," on our Web site at or send a postcard to "Space Heater Booklet," CPSC, Washington, DC 20207; and "What to Know: CO and Generators," at or send a postcard to "CO and Generator Postcard" CPSC, Washington, DC 20207.