CPSC Warns Of Hazards from Furnaces, Space Heaters and Fireplaces – Agency Urges Annual Furnace Inspection, Installing Smoke and CO Alarms


U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, DC 20207

December 14, 2005
Release #06-053
CPSC Consumer Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908

CPSC Warns Of Hazards from Furnaces, Space Heaters and Fireplaces
Agency Urges Annual Furnace Inspection, Installing Smoke and CO Alarms

Washington, D.C. – If projections hold true, home heating costs this winter will on average cost consumers 25.7 percent more than last year, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Natural gas and heating oil customers are expected to be hit the hardest. And as Americans begin to receive their winter heating bills and begin to explore alternative ways to heat their homes, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is warning consumers about alternative heat sources and reminding them to follow safety precautions while keeping their home warm this winter.

"With the cost of heating fuel high, consumers might be looking to use space heaters more as a supplemental way of heating their homes," said CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton. "By following CPSC's recommendations for all types of heating systems, and by installing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, you can help keep your family safe this winter."

The two hazards of most concern to the CPSC are fires and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. CPSC recommends consumers have a professional inspection of all fuel-burning heating systems, including furnaces, boilers, fireplaces, wood stoves, water heaters, chimneys, flues and vents.

For the years 1999-2002, there were about 9,900 residential fires per year and about 190 deaths per year associated with portable and stationary space heaters.

In addition to the fires and deaths associated with space heaters, there were 20,600 fires and about 40 deaths per year associated with fireplaces and chimneys. For central heating, there were about 5,800 fires per year and about 20 deaths per year. In addition, an average of about 85 people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by heating systems, ranges/ovens and water heaters.

Space heaters can cause fires if they are placed too close to flammable materials such as drapes, furniture or bedding. Fireplaces can cause fires if the chimney is cracked, blocked or coated with creosote, or if sparks and embers reach flammable materials. Fuel-burning appliances can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if they are improperly installed, poorly maintained, have defective or blocked venting systems, or are misused.

Space heater tips:

Fireplace safety tips:

Consumers who would like more information can view or receive the following free CPSC booklets: "What You Should Know about Space Heaters," on our Web site at www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/463.html or send a postcard to "Space Heater Booklet," CPSC, Washington, DC 20207; and "What you Should Know About Combustion Appliances," at www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/pubs/452.html or send a postcard to "Combustion Appliances Booklet," CPSC, Washington, DC 20207.