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EOS Validation Program

OS Science Data Validation Workshop

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 26, Room 205
May 8-10, 1996


A key to the successful validation of EOS science data will be to maximize the community involvement and scientific productivity of these efforts. Coordination of activities within EOS will be highly beneficial as will formation of active partnerships between instrument science teams (IST) and with interdisciplinary science (IDS) investigations, as well as with other non-EOS programs (MTPE or non-NASA). Therefore, the principal objectives of the Validation Workshop are to communicate and discuss EOS Validation Plans, to coordinate planned validation activities among the various teams, to facilitate the formation of appropriate partnerships and, very importantly, to fully engage the IDS teams in planned validation activities. Even though the IDS Teams are not charged with submitting a Validation Plan per se, many of the IDS studies and the associated ancillary data will be extremely valuable for validation of EOS data products. Similarly, instrument team field activities to collect validation data will provide unique opportunities for coordinated science investigations by the IDS Teams.


Wednesday, May 8, 1996

08:30 - Welcome & Charge King/Starr

08:45 - Agenda & Meeting Logistics Starr/Suttles

09:00 - Instrument Validation Plans Chair, Starr (20min. + 5min. questions, each) - ASTER, CERES, MISR

10:20 - Break

10:35 - Instrument Validation Plans - Continue (15min. + 5min. questions, each) - MODIS-Atmosphere, MODIS-Land, MODIS-Ocean, MOPITT (20+5 min.)

12:00 - Lunch

01:00 - Instrument Validation Plans - Continue (15min. + 5min. questions, each) - SAGE III, LIS

01:40 - Panel Discussion on Data Product Validation Moderator, Starr - MTPE Program Scientists

02:10 - IDS Contributions to Validation Activities Chair, Asrar - Optional, assumed 10 IDS Teams (15min.+5 min. questions, each)

03:30 - Break

03:40 - IDS Contributions - Continue

05:20 - Adjourn for Day

06:30 - Social and Dutch Treat Dinner

Thursday, May 9, 1996

08:30 - Panel Discussion on IDS Contributions Moderator, Asrar to EOS Data Product Validation MTPE Program Scientists

09:00 - Report on SIMBIOS AO - Validation Activities Maynard/Esaias

09:15 - Report on Test Sites Meeting Wickland/Justice

09:30 - Formation and Charge to Breakout Groups Starr

Groups to assess current validation planning, identify gaps or required improvements in current plans, and propose solutions including needed cooperation with other programs. A Chair and Rapporteur is to be identified for each numbered item below. IST member to Chair Fundamental Products and IDS Team member to Chair Higher Order Products.

Fundamental Order Products (FOP) ---> IST to IST synergism/approaches

  1. Vicarious Calibration - radiances
  2. Atmospheric Correction - radiances via transmission through media
  3. Standards/Calibration and Protocols (non-satellite)

Higher Order Geophysical Products (HOP) ---> IDS to IST synergisms

  1. Radiation Products (Atmospheric, Surface, & BRDF)
  2. Cloud Products
  3. Ocean Products (Temp, Color, Winds, Air-Sea Interaction)
  4. Land Products (Land Cover, Vegetation, Hydrology and Snow/Ice)
  5. Atmospheric Aerosols, Chemistry, Moisture and Temperature

09:45 - Break

10:00 - Parallel Sessions Chairs & Rapporteurs

10:00 - 11:00 FOP#1 - Vicarious Cal. & HOP#1 - Radiation

11:00 - 12:00 FOP#2 - Atmos. Correction & HOP#2 - Clouds

12:00 - Lunch

01:00 - Parallel Sessions - Continue Chairs & Rapporteurs

01:00 - 02:20 HOP#3 - Ocean & HOP#4 - Land

02:20 - 03:20 FOP#3 - Std.s & Protocols & HOP#5 - Aero./Chem./Met.

03:20 - Break

03:30 - Parallel Session Reports in Plenary Chair, Sellers
Fundamental Order Products
Higher Order Geophysical Products

05:30 - Adjourn for Day

Friday, May 10,1996

08:30 - Panel Discussion on High Priority Moderator, Sellers - Interdisciplinary/Instrument Team Activities MTPE Program Scientists

09:00 - Formation and Charge to Interdisciplinary Starr

Breakout Groups:
Interdisciplinary Breakout Groups:
Land Test Sites
Ocean Test Sites/Platforms
Field Campaigns
Data Management
International Coordination of Activities

09:20 - Break

09:30 - Interdisciplinary Breakout Sessions Chairs & Rapporteurs - Land Test Sites, Ocean Test Sites/Platforms, International Coordination

11:00 - Break

11:10 - Interdisciplinary Breakout Sessions - Continue Chairs & Rapporteurs

Field Campaigns
Intercomparison Activities
Data Management

12:20 - Lunch

01:30 - Plenary Reports from Interdisciplinary Chair, Freilich - Breakout Groups

03:00 - Break

03:15 - Panel Discussion on Validation Program Moderator, Freilich with Q&A Period Harriss/Asrar/King/Starr

04:00 - Discussion of Follow-up Tasks Starr and Action Items

04:20 - Closing Remarks King/Starr

04:30 - End of Meeting

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