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Publications > Press Releases > Veterinary Scam

Press Release


The following has recently come to the attention of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Diversion Control:

Fort Dodge Animal Health (FDAH) in Ft. Dodge, Iowa, has recently learned of a possible scam targeting veterinary hospitals. A letter was sent to a veterinary office advising the doctor that there may be possible side effects associated with the use of 1999-2002 batches of Ketaset®.

According to the letter, FDAH is monitoring all cases involving the side effects resulting from the drug. The letter stated a recall was being issued for the following controlled substances:

  • Ketaset Ketalar® (ketamine hydrochloride injection, USP), 50mg/ml in 10 ml vials

  • Ketaset Ketalar® (ketamine hydrochloride injection, USP), 100mg/ml in 5 ml vials

  • Ketaset® (ketamine hydrochloride injection, USP), 100mg/ml in 10 ml vials

Respondents to the letter were asked to provide their full name, place of practice, and the batch numbers and year(s) of the product. Upon receipt of this information, the physician was informed that further instructions would be provided. No further contact has been made at this time.

An official at FDAH verified that they have not authorized a recall of Ketaset®, and that this appears to be a hoax. The intent of this scam is unknown. It may be a way to determine the quantity of Ketaset® a registrant has at his/her location as a possible target for robbery, or may be a way to obtain the product through a phony recall.

If you have received a notice of this type, please contact your local DEA Diversion Field Office. Contact telephone numbers for local DEA Offices are located on DEA’s Diversion Control Program Internet web site, under the "Offices and Directories" heading.

The diversion of any controlled substance is a serious social and health-related problem in the United States. Always safeguard your personal and professional data. Always verify the need and authority of unusual requests for information.



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