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Publications > Press Releases > Physician Scam

Press Release


The following has recently come to the attention of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of Diversion Control:

The Medical Society of New Jersey has recently learned that con artists have targeted physicians with a phony questionnaire asking for vital, confidential information, including the physician’s DEA numbers, social security number and credit card data.

The New Jersey State Attorney General is investigating this mailing sent to physicians on what appears to be New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs letterhead, which seeks to "update" physician "profiles in our system." The letter claims that by responding, a physician could order controlled dangerous substances over the phone or via the internet.

Not only could the solicited personal information make the physician a victim of financial fraud, but the confidential professional information – such as DEA number – could facilitate illegal drug trafficking. In fact, the fraudulent questionnaire asks the physician to provide two signature samples … "as you sign on your prescription pad."

Do not respond if you have received such a questionnaire. The Division of Consumer Affairs verifies that this is not their mailing, and that the return address with a Newark post office box is for a non-government entity. Contact the Division of Consumer Affairs at 1-800-242-5846 or the New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners at 609-826-7100 if you have any doubts regarding the authenticity of any document received from a state agency.

If you believe that you may have recently filled out and sent in such a questionnaire, immediately contact the Consumer Affairs Enforcement Bureau during regular business hours at 973-504-6300.

The Medical Society of New Jersey is assisting the Division of Consumer Affairs in alerting physicians about this scam and will continue to update you as necessary. Continue to check www.msnj.org for additional postings.

If you reside outside of New Jersey and have experienced a similar inquiry, please contact your state professional board and/or consumer affairs division. Always safeguard your personal and professional data. Always verify the need and authority of unusual requests for information.




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