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$8.4 Million Goes to Housing Revitalization in Trumbull Village

On December 5, 2006 the Albuquerque City Council approved $8.4 million in funding to build new, owner occupied affordable housing in the Trumbull Village neighborhood of Albuquerque's Southeast Heights.

The project is a significant facet of an ongoing effort over the past four years to support investment and revitalization within a neighborhood that years ago dealt with high levels of criminal activity and disinvestment. Since the late 1990s, the neighborhood has seen a dramatic decrease in crime and APD Police Chief Ray Schultz has often used the Trumbull Village turn-around as a highlight of effective community recovery.

Neighborhood Association President Joanne Landry spoke on behalf of the resolution, sponsored by City Councilor Martin Heinrich, and said "it's really great timing; we're in a real positive transition in Trumbull and we're already getting the community prepared to get qualified and to start taking a serious look into getting one of the new homes." The project will bring owner-occupied houses to Trumbull Village, a neighborhood long faced with the difficulties brought on by a disproportionate number of rental properties. "Increased home ownership will increase the number of families rooted in the neighborhood and interested in the long-term well-being of their community," said Heinrich.

Additional community revitalization programs created by the neighborhood association included a neighborhood watch program and a community clean-up project which employed over 600 residents to help clean up the neighborhood this past year.

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