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Legislation to Prohibit Issuance of STOP Fines

City Councilor Brad Winter (District 4), introduced legislation today prohibiting the issuance of any STOP fines (red light and speeding cameras and vans) until the Council has had an opportunity to review the findings of the Mayor’s Task Force which is due to be reported to the Council on January 15, 2008.

“I am not sure how much credibility or legitimacy this task force will have as it has been hand picked by the Mayor with no input from the Council,” said Councilor Winter. “The Council will also have to analyze and review other criteria of the program in order to make any decision about the future of STOP,” he stated.

“The problems with STOP have reached such a crisis level and the actual impact of STOP is so uncertain that the Mayor has appointed a task force that he claims will try and determine the impact of the program,” stated Councilor Winter. “The Mayor has also stated that the program may need to be terminated,” he said. Numerous reports of mismanagement of money collected from the STOP program as well as misinformation that have been given to the Council and to the public has Councilor Winter concerned. “I believe that the rights of our citizens have been violated and that due process has not been served,” said Councilor Winter, who held a Town Hall on the Red Light Camera issue last March. The Councilor also requested an audit of the STOP program and even though the Mayor and the Albuquerque Police Department have stated that the number of accidents at dangerous intersections have been reduced, the results of the audit did not determine whether the program had been successful in stopping accidents or whether more accidents were occurring as a result of the cameras.

“I think it is time the Council stepped up and took responsibility by temporarily suspending the program pending the task force reports by stopping the issuance of STOP fines,” said Councilor Winter.

Once the Council has reviewed and independently considered and analyzed any conclusions and recommendations by the Mayor’s task force, the Council may consider calling either for the continuation, modification or termination of the STOP program. Councilor Winter will request that the Council consider this bill for immediate action at its December 3, 2007 meeting.

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