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Legislation to Conduct Yearly Fire Safety Inspections on Private and Public Schools within City of Albuquerque

Council President Brad Winter is introducing a resolution to have the City Fire Marshall develop a schedule to provide for the inspection of all private and public schools including charter schools for grades K through 12, within the City of Albuquerque, at least once a year.

City Council President, Brad Winter submitted today a resolution for introduction at the Council meeting of April 21. The bill would require the City Fire Marshall to develop a schedule to provide for the inspection of all private and public schools including charter schools for grades K through 12, within the City of Albuquerque, at least once a year. Through an agreement with the State of New Mexico or though direct authority, the City’s Fire Marshall has the authority and obligation to ensure the safety of all students. And while there is no provision in the State statutes that requires yearly inspection, the Councilor would like to ensure that the inspections are occurring on a regular basis.

“At the present time there is no schedule for the inspection of any schools (private, public or charter) that ensures that inspections occur on a regular and timely basis. The safety of our children is of the utmost importance,” said Councilor Winter and it is critical that these inspections be done at least on an annual basis.”

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