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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Environmental Education: Learning Lessons from the Land

lizardThe land has many stories to tell. Geologic and natural histories show us how the landscape has formed and reformed through time. Cultural history reveals how people have interacted with this changing environment for thousands of years. By understanding and appreciating what the land tells us, we can be stewards; helping to protect the land now and for the future.

By educating the youth of today about the importance of Major Public Open Space and protecting the environment, we will ensure that these important lands will have the stewards and advocates they need in the future!


The following programs are available to classes, clubs, and other organizations interested in learning more about their Open Space lands. Unless otherwise noted, contact the Open Space Division at (505) 452-5200 to schedule programs.


Available Programs:


Open Space, through the Parks and Recreation Department, is a now a proud member of the Sierra Club's Leave No New Mexico Child Inside Coalition. Leaving, click for disclaimer By joining this important initative, Open Space agrees to the following:

The employees of the City of Albuquerque Parks & Recreation Department pledge to provide our citizens and visitors with courteous, efficient, and timely professional service; To create a safe, healthy, and sustainable community in which we and our children enjoy a network of well planned, maintained, and operated parks, golf courses, open space, trails, and recreation facilities intended to improve and enhance the Quality of Life within our City.


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