What is ADA-Paratransit and how does it work?

ADA-Para transit is a transportation service provided to those who cannot, for physical or cognitive reasons, ride the City Bus system in Grand Forks, ND and East Grand Forks, MN. Currently, the cities of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks contract with Grand Forks Taxi, to provide this service. Under this contract, the taxi company agrees to provide rides to only those who are eligible and have in their possession a valid ADA-Para transit user card. The City of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks pay the companies for each taxi ride. Currently, the average amount of rides given is 3,000 rides per month. This is a vital service and a service, which is required by the federal government since Grand Forks receives federal funding for its transportation system.

What does the service cost to each rider and why do we have such a system?

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the federal government requires a complementary service be provided to those unable to access regular fixed route bus service. The City providing such service can charge twice the fixed fare rate of the City Bus fare. The current adult fixed fare rate on the City Bus is $1.50. However, the cost to ride ADA-Para transit per passenger is less than twice the Adult Cash rate on the City Bus.  To ride this system will cost you $2.50 for a one-way trip. This $2.50 per ride is applied toward the overall cost of the contracted per-ride amount and the City pays the remainder. As an example. if you are a ADA-Para transit user and you receive a ride from a specific place to your destination, your cost is $2.50.  The City's pay an agreed upon amount of $4.35, which makes the cost of the full ride to be $6.85. 

Why would the taxi companies want to pick me up?

The taxi company provides the ADA-Para transit service on a "per-ride" system. Since the employees work on a commission basis, it is in their best interest to provide as many rides as possible, more rides given means more money earned. This is not all bad since this also ensures that the company is working very hard to meet the needs of the passengers in a timely manner. Of course, the bad aspect of a "per-ride" system is that the more people that ride the more it costs the City, unlike the fixed-route service.

How do I apply for ADA-Para transit

If you would like to apply for ADA-Para transit service you may call 701.746.8108 and ask for an application to be mailed to you. Applications are also available on the front page of this webpage.  You can also receive an application at most clinics and Altru Hospital. Upon completion of the application, you can mail it to:  An electronic application is also made available here by clicking DAR APPLICATION, and printing it on your home printer.

Cities Area Transit
Attn: Roger D. Foster
P.O. 5200
Grand Forks, ND 58201

If you would like to deliver your application you may do so by bringing the application to the City Bus Garage located at 867 S., 48th St, Grand Forks, ND.

Who determines eligibility for ADA-Para transit service and how long does it take?

Actually your health care professional determines eligibility. The application is processed in the Public Transportation office. The application is reviewed and answers to specific questions are evaluated. Since the questions concerning the application are either yes or no eligibility determination is relatively easy. However, there may be questions on the application which require further information and the health care provider may be called to provide information as needed, to determine eligibility.

What should healthcare professionals know about this system?

First and foremost health care professionals need to treat this differently from handicap parking. This service is designed to provide taxi service to individuals who are not able to use the City Bus system and it is heavily subsidized by everyone in Grand Forks and East Grand Forks. Therefore, a health care provider should take the time to professionally evaluate each application. The application provides guidelines to health care professionals. Health care providers who are asked to fill out a ADA-Para transit application should have an understanding of the City Bus system offered in the two cities. If your health care provider needs more assistance in filling out your application, please feel free to have him nor her contact our office at 701-746-746-8108.