Argonne National Laboratory
Nuclear Energy Student & Postdoctoral Opportunities
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Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Energy Students Programs at Argonne National Lab
Argonne is 13th Best Place to work for postdocs

Argonne is one of top 15 places in U.S. for postdocs to work
Argonne was recently ranked 13th best place for postdocs to work by life sciences magazine, The Scientist. The annual article, run for the seventh time in 2009, surveys postdocs at hundreds of labs and institutions, private and government, for-profit and not-for-profit, to gauge their opinions on the institutions they work for. Argonne's ranking in the survey jumped seven slots, from 20 to 13, in one year. More...


July 7, 2009 | Director's Postdoctoral Fellowships Call
Applications are being sought for the Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowships. Interested? Please check the Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowships page for details on how to apply. The application deadline is September 14, 2009.
Questions and comments should be directed to:
Giselle Sandi, Postdoctoral Programs Coordinator ( , Phone: +1 630-252-1903).

April 16, 2009 | Postdoc symposium to be held this fall
The Postdoctoral Office and the Postdoctoral Society of Argonne are organizing the second annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium. The event will take place Sept. 10, 2009. All symposium presenters and attendees are required to pre-register by Aug. 3. List of accepted research subjects, instructions for preparation of abstracts, abstract submission, and registration information is available at the symposium web site. Full story...


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NE Postdoctoral Projects

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The Nuclear Engineering (NE) Division conducts both theoretical and experimental research & development, engineering, and computation, with emphasis in nuclear technology and related sciences. Major areas include advanced reactor design and analysis, advanced materials studies, nuclear safety, reactor fuel cycle analysis, reactor physics, criticality safety, and environmental management. The Division also has significant capability in advanced simulation of multi-physics phenomena in support of advanced reactor development using leadership-class computers.

A major mission of the Division is in Arms Control, National Security, and Nonproliferation. The Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program is an important area that has made significant contributions to global threat reduction. A primary objective of RERTR is the development of high density, low enrichment fuel that can be used to replace the current high-enrichment fuels in research and test reactors worldwide, thereby reducing the threat that these reactors could be subverted for a weapons program. Other program areas include export control, nuclear material control and accounting, nuclear and radiological material security, and information technology and security.

The Dismantlement, Deactivation, Decontamination, Decommissioning and Disposal (generally abbreviated as D&D) of aging nuclear facilities is a key area that addresses a large problem for the DOE, US nuclear utilities and international organizations. The development of new technologies and their demonstrations on surplus Argonne nuclear facilities and elsewhere form a key part of the work. In addition, there are a number of other areas in which technology development is being undertaken. These include sensor and detector technology, robotics, rad-waste technology and security, and laser applications.

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