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Coral Reef Resource Roundup CD 2008:

Additional Materials

These materials include a collection of videos and other materials you may find useful in learning about coral ecosystems, or in educating others about them.


Name Summary Group/Org.
(mov, 141.0 mb)
Presents Cordell Banks & Humpback Whales National Marine Sanctuaries.
(4 mins) Video Transcript (23 kb)
National Geographic & NOAA
Hawaiian Hot Spots
(mov, 155.45 mb)
Volcanic activity, hot spots, island formation and plate tectonics theory.
(3 mins) Video Transcript (20 kb)
National Geographic & NOAA
Predators Among Us
(mov, 21.23 mb)
Presents threats to oceans ñ overfishing, pollution and the practice of shark finning. (2 mins) Video Transcript (22 kb)
National Geographic & NOAA
Saved by a Shark
(mov, 107.6 mb)
Role played by predators & biodiversity in the Flower Gardens Banks National Marine Sanctuary.
(3 mins) Video Transcript (25 kb)
National Geographic & NOAA
The Living Reef
(mov, 8.51 mb)
A short and inspiring video highlighting the biodiversity and abundance of life that coral reefs support. (2 mins) Video Transcript: coming soon
Project AWARE
Other Materials
An image presenting simple ways to conserve corals.
Commonwealth of the Northern Marina Islands
A comprehensive community guidebook (220 pgs) to help develop, organize and guide action. It provides guidance for monitoring and outreach, and presents case studies.
Deptartment of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai`i
Song commemorating the International Year of the Reef 2008. Song lyrics (11 kb) and lead sheet (615 kb) are also included.
Body Glove

Resource Roundup CD 2008:

Main Page

Lesson Plans

Student Activities

Teachers' Guides and Resources

Sustainable Use Guides

Background Materials



Additional Materials

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