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HOME > Monitoring and Data > Oceanic & Atmospheric Data > Stratospheric Ozone

Maps of daily hemispheric ozone, stratospheric temperature time series that are archived to 1979.

  • UV Index: Monthly Means and Maximums - The monthly mean and maximum UV Indices for the 58 US forecast cities in the form of a map.

  • Ozone Hole Weekly Update - NOAA monitors the progression of the ozone hole from space and on the ground in Antarctica. The current year's ozone hole plot shows the progression of this year's ozone hole and is placed in reference with 1998's record setting ozone hole conditions and conditions over the previous nine years.

  • Meteorological Conditions and Ozone In the Polar Stratosphere - NOAA monitors the meteorological conditions and ozone amounts in the stratosphere. The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) presents graphics from this monitoring effort to aid in visualizing the evolution of the South Polar "ozone hole" and factors important for ozone depletion in the polar areas. Information on the size of the polar vortex and the ozone hole, the area in which air cold enough to form Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs) and which parts of this cold air are sunlit such that photo-chemical ozone depletion processes can occur. In addition, zonal profiles show the thermal evolution in the polar area.

  • Global Temperature Analyses Times Series - The CPC global temperature analyses are derived each day at 8 stratospheric levels. Graphical aids for monitoring temperature anomalies in the stratosphere are shown along with daily temperature values averaged over each latitude region. The values for the current year may be compared to the average values for each day and the extreme maximum and minimum values for the entire temperature analysis record from 1979 to current.

  • SBUV-2 Total Ozone - Daily total column ozone maps are made operationally from data obtained from the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) instrument onboard the NOAA-14 satellite.

  • TOVS Total Ozone - NOAA's TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder(TOVS) is a suite of three instruments: the Microwave Sounding Unit(MSU), the High resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder(HIRS), and the Stratospheric Sounding Unit(SSU). Each instrument measures radiation emitted by the Earth at several different wavelengths. The data gathered is presented in a map.

  • SMOBA (Stratospheric Monitoring Ozone Blended Analysis) - This analysis has applications for the input to CERES/EOS heating rate calculation and the initial conditions for numerical ozone forecasts.

  • 50mb Current Temperature Analyses 6-day Archive - The CPC produces GRIB data files and stereographic maps of the 50mb temperatures for the northern and southern polar areas.

NOAA/ National Weather Service
National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5200 Auth Road
Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: August 25, 2005
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